The questions were prepared by the League of Women Voters of California Education Fund and asked of all candidates for this office.
See below for questions on
Fiscal Choices,
Your Priorities
Click on a name for candidate information. See also more information about this contest.
1. How would you prioritize the fiscal choices the Legislature must make to align the state’s income and spending?
(No candidates submitted answers to this question)
2. Given our current drought condition, concern for water rights and usage is an important issue. What solutions would you support to address our water problems?
Answer from Mario A. Guerra:
Water rates are ever increasing and California small businesses including tortilla makers, restaurants, jewelers, construction and the thousands of other enterprises that rely on water are vulnerable to drought.
Here are a few key points that we need to consider:
We cannot conserve our way out of this crisis. Californians are among the most environmentally conscious people on the planet. We have been conserving for years; it is disingenuous to suggest we can simply conserve our way to a reliable and affordable water supply.
We can operate within the law to help refill our reservoirs. The federal and state government have within their power the ability under existing laws and regulations to mandate that we protect our environment, while ensuring that more water be used to refill our reservoirs.
We need more storage. The last dam in California was built over 30 years ago. Blocking efforts to create more storage is a travesty and an affront to commonsense. The ability to stockpile water in existing and new reservoirs means we will have ample water in drought years to recharge the environment, sustain farms, support businesses and serve our 38 million residents.
Water it too vital to be held hostage by partisan politics. We are encouraged that rural and urban Californians are coming together to voice support for a bi-partisan effort that revamps our water management system. We also believe Republicans and Democrats should come to terms to ensure that water needs transcend politics.
3. California high school students rank lower than many states in student performance. What do you see as the ongoing role of the Legislature in addressing this problem?
Answer from Mario A. Guerra:
Our state has some of the highest taxes across the country: the highest sales tax, the highest car tax, the highest business tax, and the highest unsecured property tax + just to name a few. While our taxes share high rankings throughout the nation, our educational system is very low in the rankings nationwide. For the first time this year California has spent more on welfare programs than it did on our children's education. This sad state of affairs in Sacramento needs to change. Our priorities need to change.
As Mayor and Councilman in the City of Downey, I worked closely with the Downey Unified School District's Board of Education to maintain the high standards and test scores DUSD is known for. Together we also implemented the CHARACTER Counts! initiative throughout the city and suspensions are down 90% in our schools.
Our children will be competitive in an ever-changing global economy when provided a quality education. One where character is placed at the forefront of the curriculum.
4. What other major issues do you think the Legislature must address? What are your own priorities?
Answer from Mario A. Guerra:
As State Senator, I will work hard to modify or repeal any laws that hinder public safety and early release of violent prisoners into our community. AB 109 is an example of a lack of regard that our legislators have put on the backs of local government and local law enforcement. Working together with the brave officers of the Downey Police Department, along with the Police Chiefs Association, the Independent Cities Association, and all law enforcement agencies throughout the state, we will continue to make law enforcement our top priority.
Responses to questions asked of each candidate
are reproduced as submitted to the League.
Candidates' statements are presented as
submitted. References to opponents are not permitted.
The order of the candidates is random and changes daily. Candidates who did not respond are not listed on this page.