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Riverside County, CA November 4, 2014 Election
Smart Voter

By David Starr Rabb

Candidate for Council Member; City of Perris

This information is provided by the candidate
As your city councilperson, I will passionately strive toward making Perris a better place to live and conduct business. The following are my goals:

1. Retail Development: It is imperative that our City Council increase the variety of dining and retail options within our city. Diverse retail establishments will ensure that our money remains in our community and will provide more jobs for Perris residents.

2. Beautify Perris: Renovate our aged infrastructure, expand graffiti removal, repair sidewalks, alleys and gutters.

3. Put Our Children First: In order to ensure that Perris becomes a premier city, we must first guarantee that needs of our children are met. I will push for the following:

- Increasing youth and young-adult activities.
- Expanding hours at the Bob Glass Gym.
- Establish an internship programs in for Perris-area high school graduates.

4. Increase Citizen Participation: Perris residents need to be involved in the Council's decision-making process. Reforms include:

- Hosting quarterly community town halls.
- Providing web access to the City's line-item budget.
- Enacting conflict of interest laws for council members.

5. Implement District Voting for City Council Elections: Under a district voting system, Perris voters would elect city council members from four equally sized districts while the mayor would be elected at-large. Unlike the City's current at-large election scheme, Perris residents would have a specific council member to represent their neighborhood's concerns.

6. Initiate a Local Hiring Program: A local hiring program will require that contractors employ a specific number of residents on local projects. Perris residents deserve to reap the full benefits of their tax investments; a local hiring initiative will ensure that our money remains in our community.

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