Shortages of Police officers equals less then desirable Public Safety. Inadequate drainage jeopardizes public safety and costs tax payers more in the long run.
Four years ago, while examining speed surveys, I noticed that we needed more Traffic Officers and Patrol Officers. I then went to our Police Chief and asked her how many more Motorcycle Officers we needed. Her reply was: " double" what we have now. That answer matched my estimate exactly and told her that! I then asked her how many Patrol Officers we needed. Her reply was: we needed a total of 11 Officers, one of which would be an Administration Sargent. That is my goal, when funds become available. In the mean time I will not turn down Police grants and Police equipment grants, like the current City Council has done! For the sake of our children, I plan to keep on occasionally monitoring and Megan's Law web site. Incase we have another incident like the one I brought out at the Valley Congress meeting ( and filed a complaint with the City ). In which two Pedophiles were living right across the street from San Jacinto High School, they have since been removed. I don't blame the Police Department for this, I blame the City Council for this. I would like to eliminate the safety threat that Park Side Village Citizens are living under and eliminating flooded Sanderson Ave. so that the kids, going to Megan Cope Elementary School, won't have to walk in a river of water in order to get to and from school. Motorist will also find this beneficial because they will have the full use of the 2 lanes.