Statement appearing in Ballot for November 2014
In 2008 I was named Mayor Emeritus of the City of San Leandro after years of effective public service. It is time for a new perspective on the Oro Loma Board, one that offers innovative thinking focused on our future. I possess the knowledge, education and experience to address our wastewater collection and treatment needs and to provide innovative and cost-effective solid waste and recycling services. During my years as mayor, I served as a member and also Chair of the East Bay Dischargers Authority, a joint powers organization formed to collectively manage wastewater treatment and disposal services for a population in Alameda County of 800,000. I also served as President of both the Alameda County Waste Management Authority and the Source Reduction and Recycling Board. These agencies are responsible for the environmental choices and changes that make us so much more conscious of conservation and mindful of waste reduction and recycling. I would be the first woman to serve on the Oro Loma Board and have the proven tools to assist the District in decisions regarding our future. I respectfully ask for your vote.