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1 Quality and Diverse Education
- Ensure a quality education for all our children and that our schools are safe, effective, and keeping up with the latest technology.
- We must attract, develop and retain qualified school staff, with salaries and benefits that are competitive with those in comparable professions. Involve District staff in the decision-making process, drawing upon their various areas of expertise and knowledge.
2 - Balanced Curriculum
- We need to support families with an educational system built on the foundation of strong Character Education.
- We need to provide quality educational opportunities for students that are college-bound and for those students who desire to pursue a technical career or the military, but
not at the expense or loss of the arts, athletics or other programs.
- We must offer advanced learning opportunities at every school and grade-level.
- We must ensure teachers have hands on tools and training to aid in their instruction.
3 - Parent and Community Involvement
- We must give parents and students a voice on the School Board and an opportunity to have their voices heard. We need to assure local control and clear representation of their
interests and preferences.
- We need to support strong Parent-Teacher-Student Associations and School Councils that are partners in developing quality education systems for our children. We need to foster and support volunteerism.
- We need an open Board and administration that listens to parents, teachers and students, taking into consideration their concerns and issues in our decisions.
- We need to support and foster parent involvement in their children's education.
4 - Fiscal Responsibility
- We must maximize our tax and grant dollars by developing partnerships with business, government and educational entities to assure no duplication of services.
- We need to be fiscally conservative in our use of public funds, assuring that each dollar is spent most effectively.
- We must live within our budget limitations, with an appropriate-sized District Administration.