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Los Angeles County, CA July 23, 2013 Election
Smart Voter Full Biography for Steve Diels

Candidate for
City Treasurer; City of Redondo Beach

This information is provided by the candidate

My qualifications for Treasurer include my services as businessman, CFO and Council Member as well as my education in business and finance. I have 8 years of government experience. I have an MBA including management and finance. I have completed my coursework and now am working on my thesis for an international Doctorate in Business Administration. I have served as CFO for a multi-million dollar enterprise. I have financed the purchase of businesses. I have participated in bond funding and refinancing as chairman of the Redevelopment Agency. I chair the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency. I serve on the Redondo Beach Audit Committee. I have presided over the Los Angeles League of California Cities. I serve on the League of California Cities Revenue and Taxation committee. I have served on the Southern California Association of Governments. As council member I have worked on very complex financing arrangements including the waterfront development and the new hotel development in North Redondo Beach.

I understand the concerns about frivolous spending. That is why I want to reform the office of Treasurer. The Treasurer commands a $116,000 salary plus benefits. The Treasurer's budget approaches $500,000. I will reduce the salary and streamline the department to save $300,000 of tax-payer money. The current bloated salary is fiscally irresponsible and is not necessary or rational in these current economic times. The Treasurer's office needs reforming and this is one place to start.

Please note, that the Treasurer does not have spending authority beyond the department budget.

I am calling for sensible reform to maximize the value to Redondo Beach residents, increase financial oversight and reduce costs.

If I don't reform it, who will? Will you support me?

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Created from information supplied by the candidate: June 28, 2013 23:11
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