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Los Angeles County, CA May 21, 2013 Election
Smart Voter

Cedillo Economic Agenda

By Gilbert "Gil" Cedillo

Candidate for Council Member; City of Los Angeles; District 1

This information is provided by the candidate
We need to create good paying jobs in Los Angeles by encouraging business to invest in our communities. We need to work with residents and labor to make sure we have the types of public investment in our communities that grows our economy and creates good jobs for our community.
I am running for City Council to create quality local jobs and support local economic development.

I am running for City Council to find creative ways to grow revenue, so we can protect critical frontline services and improve public safety funding.

I am running for City Council to expand after school programs that keep our kids away from gangs and drugs.

And I running for City Council because I have always loved Los Angles and I want to continue a career dedicated to serving working families in my hometown.

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