The questions were prepared by the League of Women Voters of Los Angeles and asked of all candidates for this office.
See below for questions on
Most Important Issue,
Transfer Preparation vs. Workforce Training,
Management/Budget Experience,
AB 2572
Click on a name for candidate information. See also more information about this contest.
1. What is the single most important issue facing LACCD today? How, as Trustee, would you deal with it?
Answer from Ernest Henry Moreno:
Student access is directly connected to efficiency of cost management at all educational institutions in the LACCD. I would work to open educational opportunities to all members of our community through the development of cost efficient policies.
Answer from Jozef Thomas "Joe" Essavi:
72% Failure to graduate and to transfer is the # 1 issue facing our colleges and our students. I will fight hard to lower that number by providing counseling, more classes and more scholarships. We need more focus on students and teachers and we need to keep politics and special interests out.
2. What do you think should be the balance in LACCD between preparing students for transfer to four-year institutions and programs that provide workforce training?
Answer from Ernest Henry Moreno:
Establish policies to provide for greater flexibility in allocation of college resources which in turn would allow for the development of academic or transfer courses and workforce courses as the demand for such courses is determine by our service communities. The balance should be determined by demand.
Answer from Jozef Thomas "Joe" Essavi:
Community colleges need to do both but in recent years vocational workforce training has been overlooked. We also need to expand our vocational focus to green jobs and jobs of the future. Bringing the emphasis back on vocational training will help students who decide not to pursue a 4 years degree to still make a good living.
3. What experience in general management, fiscal management and budgetary oversight would you bring to the job of Trustee?
Answer from Jozef Thomas "Joe" Essavi:
I am a consensus builder and a problem solver. My background as a County Commissioner, former ASB Union Treasurer, Non Profit Organization Controller, and a businessman will allow me to bring new oversight to the Board of Trustees.
Answer from Ernest Henry Moreno:
Every position which I have held in a more than 40 year career with the LACCD has involved budget management. In particular, as President of East Los Angeles College and Los Mission College, I was able to increase student enrollment significantly while providing budget balances at the end of each fiscal year.
4. AB 2572 (Furutani) seeks to give the LACCD Board of Trustees authority to make changes in the way Trustees are elected (e.g. by district instead of 'at large') and make it possible to eliminate one round of the two-round LACCD election. Where do you stand on this legislation and the issues involved?
Answer from Ernest Henry Moreno:
I would not be in favor of alterting the current method of Trustee elections. "At large" elections allows the Board to focus on student success and fiscal efficiency issues as opposed to territorial battles and the compromises demanded by local constituencies.
Answer from Jozef Thomas "Joe" Essavi:
I believe this is a non-democratic legislation. I agree with LA Times; this is "an incumbent protection bill". The Incumbents are already insulated enough. I will vote against its implementation and call upon the board of trustees to vote on the side of the voters and democracy. I also refuse to take big bond contractors and special interests donations. This way I will devote my full attention to fixing problems and not become part of the problem.
Responses to questions asked of each candidate
are reproduced as submitted to the League.
The order of the candidates is random and changes daily. Candidates who did not respond are not listed on this page.