The most pressing problem we have is creating jobs for the large number of unemployed and underemployed that we have in this Nation at this current time.
The District is in need of high quality jobs, both for the near term and the long term. Near term jobs will depend on leveraging currently budgeted Federal program dollars into cost sharing arrangements with State and local governments contributing funds and in-kind contributions to the programs. Long term jobs will be a partnership between Federal dollars, private business, and State and local governments.
All job development programs will depend on strengthening the public education system in the district.
Short term job creation opportunities are related to student retention programs, urban and agricultural industry pollution abatement efforts, and support for small business through the existing Small Business Innovation Research programs to develop new products and manufacturing capabilities. Long term job creation opportunities include urban redevelopment focusing on restoring inner cities by co-location of viable service and manufacturing businesses in core city area, the development of improved public transportation systems, and continued support of small businesses in the District.