The questions were prepared by the League of Women Voters of California Education Fund and asked of all candidates for this office.
See below for questions on
Health care,
Campaign financing
Click on a name for candidate information. See also more information about this contest.
1. In this time of high unemployment, what are the most important steps that should be taken to improve our nation’s economy?
Answer from Scott Peters:
Our economic future depends on making smart investments, specifically in our infrastructure, our children, and in research. We need infrastructure investment such as rebuilding roads and bridges, making our power grid smarter and more efficient, and supporting new means of communications in order to increase our competitiveness in the global economy. We need to invest in our children, specifically by making sure our K-12 education system is preparing our kids for college, and that any student who qualifies and wants to go to college can afford to do so. Meanwhile, we must establish community colleges as centers for job training and placement for those who do not choose a four year degree. We also need to adequately and consistently invest in scientific research in order to drive American competitiveness and job creation.
2. How should the federal budget deficit be addressed, now and into the future? How should budget priorities for defense and domestic programs be adjusted?
Answer from Scott Peters:
We must reform the nation's tax code so American companies are encouraged to create jobs in America. We should also look at incentivizing companies to build and expand here at home, rather than abroad. And we must also immediately end subsidies to oil companies who are among the most profitable companies ever. The fact that they are subsidized by the taxpayers, when they are making record profits and middle class Americans are struggling, makes absolutely no sense. Keeping the earnings and jobs created by American companies at home and ending subsidies will help get us back on the road toward a balanced budget. We must balance the budget, but we've got to do it the right way. And it shouldn't be on the backs of seniors and the middle class.
3. What are your priorities with respect to our nation’s energy policy? Should there be an emphasis on clean energy and reducing carbon emissions, and/or on reducing our dependence on foreign sources?
Answer from Scott Peters:
As a nation, we must work toward a long-term energy policy that: 1) creates new American jobs; 2) emphasizes greater energy independence; 3) invests in the development of alternative fuels; 4) promotes clean energy technology like wind and solar; 5) ensures greater national security; and 6) provides automakers with incentives for producing fuel-efficient vehicles. We also need to do a better job of building housing and employment centers nearer to one another to reduce commutes. And we need to invest in making all of our communities more pedestrian- and bicycle- friendly.
In the long term, Congress needs to develop and support a long-term energy strategy that reduces our dependence on foreign oil and fossil fuels altogether. But there are also steps Congress can, and should, be taking now. First, Congress can act now to stop price-gouging at the pump by holding Wall Street commodities traders and speculators more accountable. Many experts agree that speculation in energy markets drives up the price of oil, which raises the price of gas for consumers. Last year, House Democrats tried to increase funding for the agency in charge of policing price manipulation in oil markets. But Republicans voted to slash these funds by almost half. We've also got to stop subsidizing oil companies.
4. What, if any, changes should be made to federal health care policies or programs?
Answer from Scott Peters:
Health care in America needs to be accessible and affordable for everybody. The reality is that too many families in San Diego struggle to get affordable, quality health care. And the high cost of insurance premiums is holding American businesses back. So we must continue the work to lower health care costs while preserving choice and quality care. We should build on the reforms set forth by the Affordable Care Act and improve them- particularly when it comes to making health care more affordable for the middle-class, containing skyrocketing costs, and making sure hospitals are adequately reimbursed for the services they provide.
Some of the reforms I'd like to see include:
- Modernizing the system to lower costs.
- Lowering prescription drug costs through Medicare.
- Ensuring that hospitals who care for a disproportionate share of uninsured patients are adequately reimbursed
- Examining a "non fee for service" model of health care that emphasizes prevention over treatment.
When I go to Congress I will vehemently protect women's access to contraception and a woman's right to choose.
5. What, if any, changes should be made to federal rules on campaign financing?
(No candidates submitted answers to this question)
Responses to questions asked of each candidate
are reproduced as submitted to the League.
Candidates' statements are presented as
submitted. References to opponents are not permitted.
The order of the candidates is random and changes daily. Candidates who did not respond are not listed on this page.