Tourism is a major force in Healdsburg and it supports many good things but it must be controlled and not allowed to become all consuming.
The wine industry and their tasting rooms are a major tourist draw for our town. These tourists are critical to the support of the high quality restaurants and sleeping accommodations found in Healdsburg. They support the local bakeries and browse the many exquisite art galleries around the Plaza. They join with the local towns people to support the farmers market and they bring with them special events in the Plaza that are of interest to the people of Healdsburg. In more indirect ways, they support the wide range of legitimate theaters in Healdsburg and bring a certain vitality to our town. Without the wine industry and the tourists we would be just another small town trying to make it during difficult economic times. But at the same time there is a need to establish a balance wherein both the locals and the tourists feel at home in Healdsburg. Limiting the number of tasting rooms is a good start and providing concerts during the week for the locals is another good step. I think that the current balance is about right but there is a need to regularly check this balance. The city council must take the lead in this activity and provide the leadership and direction to the chamber of commerce and related agencies to ensure that Healdsburg puts its best foot forward.