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Sonoma County, CA November 6, 2012 Election
Smart Voter

Learning Communities

By Larry Haenel

Candidate for City; City of Santa Rosa High School District

This information is provided by the candidate
Ask the teachers and administrators at each site how to create the best opportunities for your child to learn.
Those who work closest to our children need to continue to work to together to create the very best opportunities for you child to learn. The Piner High School Science Department created the highly acclaimed Geo-Spacial Program for Piner stidents. Elsie Allen High School teachers and administrators helped create the University Center so that high school students can earn 30 senester units at Sonoma State which are transferable to any college or university. Piner High School studets now earn up to 30 units of credit at Santa Rosa Junior College due to productive collaboration. Santa Rosa Arts Charter Elementary School and Santa Rosa Arts Charter at Santa Rosa High are other examples of teachers and administrators working together to create valued choices for our students. Teachers and administrators at all our schools need to continue to create learning communities where they work together to create the possible learning environment for our children.

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