Mitigation of Traffic Impacting Ripon Streets
The biggest impact on Ripon will be the Manteca Austin Development (Manteca's largest Development to date). This Development will impact our schools (3,300 homes will be built, approx. 3,000 homes in Ripon Unified School District).
This Development will also be within the Ripon Fire District.
The City of Ripon has no authority when it comes to Ripon School District and Ripon Fire District, but we do when it comes to traffic congestion within the City of Ripon.
This development also includes business development that leans toward warehousing and trucking with major traffic impact on Ripon roads. Ripon must demand mitigation on this trucking traffic which will pick the easy path to Highway 99. That driving route would be down Austin, turning left on West Ripon/West Main Street, and then left onto Jacktone to connect via the Jacktone Interchange. I understand the Manteca newspaper wrote an article on a future Austin Interchange to be constructed with funds from Manteca, Ripon and Cal.Trans. It is my understanding that funding from both cities and State will most likely be at least 20 years in the future. We must demand mitigation on the traffic impacting Ripon roads. If I am re-elected I promise to fight for another road to connect with the Jackstone interchange prior to approval of the Manteca Austin Development.