Let's keep the Canyons rural and unique.
I truly love our Canyons. I once thought I would want to grow old in the Rocky Mountains but I have come to realize that I am truly home here and my husband,Paul, and I will never leave. Our way of life in the Canyons is unique and should be cherished. It is very rare especially in Southern California. I believe it should be protected and nourished.
I want to see our Canyons stay as natural as possible. I would like to see more of our history promoted and see more activities for our children. I will welcome new land owners but I would also want to see them respect the beautiful natural surroundings that we live in. I truly believe we can all come together on this.
I want to help my community by becoming a Director of the Silverado Modjeska Recreation & Parks District. It's Mission is "To promote community well being through programs & activities that protect & preserve & enrich the Canyons' heritage, open space & unique way of life." I am committed to this mission. That pretty well sums it up. I hope I have your vote.