Click on ballot measure for more detail.
- Measure M.
School Improvement Funding
-- McFarland Unified School District
(School Bonds - 55% Approval Required)
1238 /
74.40% Yes votes ......
426 /
25.60% No votes
- To reduce student overcrowding, acquire, construct
and improve new and existing classrooms, support
facilities and new elementary school, expand high
school facilities, upgrade vocational education
facilities to better prepare students for the workforce,
and make improvements to save money better spent
in the classroom, shall the McFarland Unified School
District be authorized to issue $25,000,000 in bonds
at legal interest rates, with an independent Oversight
Committee, annual audits and NO money for
administrator salaries?
- Measure N.
Education Funding
-- Mojave Unified School District
(Parcel Tax - 2/3 Approval Required)
2322 /
51.83% Yes votes ......
2158 /
48.17% No votes
- To maintain quality academic programs, school facilities,
and activities that provide improved college and career
pathways, maintain effective student to teacher ratios, and
help offset severe state budge cuts, shall the Mojave
Unified School District levy a parcel tax in the amount of
$42 to be levied annually for a period of five years, with
mandatory audits, no money for administrative salaries, an
exemption for seniors, age 65 and over, and all dollars
staying in our local schools?
- Measure O.
School Improvement Funding
-- Elk Hills School District
(School Bonds - 55% Approval Required)
65 /
45.77% Yes votes ......
77 /
54.23% No votes
- To improve the quality of education; construct new
classrooms and science labs to maintain small class
sizes; improve student access to computers and modern
technology; improve P.E. fields and facilities; and replace
deteriorating water, plumbing and sewer systems; shall
the Elk Hills School District issue $6,200,000 of bonds at
legal interest rates, have an independent citizens'
oversight committee and have NO money used for
administrative salaries, regular, ongoing maintenance, or
be taken by the state?
- Measure P.
School Improvement Funding
-- Panama-Buena Vista Union School District
(School Bonds - 55% Approval Required)
23690 /
65.00% Yes votes ......
12757 /
35.00% No votes
- To protect the quality of education and enhance
student learning in neighborhood elementary
schools, shall Panama-Buena Vista Union School
District modernize school technology, upgrade
safety/security systems, improve energy efficiency,
rehabilitate outdated classrooms, repair/replace
deteriorated roofs, plumbing, electrical, lighting,
ventilation, and acquire, construct, equip, and
renovate sites, facilities, and equipment, by issuing
$147,000,000 in bonds at legal interest rates, with
independent citizen oversight, mandatory audits, no
administrators' salaries/pensions, and all funds
dedicated locally to Panama-Buena Vista Union
School District K-8 schools?
- Measure Q.
School Improvement Funding
-- Standard School District
(School Bonds - 55% Approval Required)
4179 /
70.56% Yes votes ......
1744 /
29.44% No votes
- To renovate, modernize and construct classrooms /
facilities at Highland, Standard, and Wingland Elementary
and Standard Middle; upgrade heating, ventilation, airconditioning systems; and reduce borrowing costs, shall
$11,200,000 of Standard School District bonds, approved
by voters in June 2006, be reauthorized through issuance
of new bonds, with no increase in total authorized District
debt, interest rates below legal limits, independent citizen
oversight, no money for administrator salaries, and all
funds spent locally and not taken by the State?
- Measure R.
Sales Tax Increase
-- City of Maricopa
(Ordinance - Majority Approval Required)
97 /
34.52% Yes votes ......
184 /
65.48% No votes
- Shall there be enacted in the City of Maricopa an
additional temporary sales tax rate increase of one
percent (1%) which will end after ten (10) years, the
proceeds of which shall be used to preserve essential
general governmental services including, but not limited to
street and road improvements, police and fire protection,
parks and recreation and other City General Fund Services?
- Measure S.
Changing the City Clerk Position From Elected to Appointed
-- City of Taft
(Ordinance - Majority Approval Required)
571 /
30.81% Yes votes ......
1282 /
69.19% No votes
- Shall the office of city clerk
be appointed?
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