The questions were prepared by the League of Women Voters of Fremont, Newark, Union City and asked of all candidates for this office.
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1. (Increase affordable housing) What would you do to increase the supply of affordable housing now that we no longer have redevelopment?
Answer from Rakesh Sharma:
On February 1, 2012, all redevelopment agencies in California were dissolved. Prior to their dissolution, redevelopment agencies in California received over five billion dollars in property tax revenues annually to address urban blight in the community that established the redevelopment agencies. Redevelopment money was a major source of funding for affordable housing. The challenge for Fremont is to secure funds for affordable housing and economic development. Fremont should consider business improvement districts assessments. Funds to be used for economic development projects. Fremont should explore regulatory approaches to support the development of affordable housing. For example zoning, density, parking requirements etc.
Answer from Vinnie Bacon:
I would be in favor of increasing the affordable housing requirements for new developments to help ensure that our affordable housing stock increases at the same rate as other housing.
We also must make sure that funding is provided to adequately fund any schools that are required as a result of increased residential development.
Answer from Rick Jones:
Fremont needs to attract private funding, much like the Housing Trust of Santa Clara County. This non-profit has received in excess of a million dollars apiece from companies such as Google, Adobe Systems, Cisco Systems, Inter, Applied Materials Inc. and Hewlett-Packard to put towards affordable housing developments. There is also the Northern Silicon Valley Partnership, a consortium of six Alameda County agencies dedicated to economic development and job creation. We are definitely part of Silicon Valley and need to take advantage of available resources. In addition, SB1220, the Housing Opportunity Trust Fund Act of 2012, is another possible source of funds.
Answer from Suzanne Lee "Sue" Chan:
It is challenging in the Bay Area to find affordable housing. As a Councilmember, I worked to ensure affordable housing unit numbers were enforced. We have also instituted an in lieu program for developers to contribute to a pool of funding that is dedicated for building affordable housing. Since being on Council we have welcomed new affordable housing projects such as Main Street Village, Eden Senior Housing and others. My passion has been to ensure that we have affordable housing for all our citizens with a particular interest for the low and extremely low income levels, seniors, the disabled, and returning veterans. I am a strong affordable housing advocate.
Answer from Mark L. Wadley:
As a homeowner here in Fremont, I can tell you that affordable housing would be very welcome. However, we need to consider city services and infrastructure for any development. As far as the redevelopment funds no longer being available, new housing developments must have a certain number of 'affordable' units. These units will be priced at 10% to 15% below the market rate of the other homes. This should also apply to higher density rentals as well.
Answer from John Dutra:
Now more than ever, we must work with homebuilders to use percentage-based calculations or in-lieu fees to help set aside homes and/or funds for the development of affordable housing. In addition, working with organizations such as Abode Services - a very strong and respected organization that helps people who are struggling to find a home in our current depressed job market - becomes paramount to ensuring that all have a place to stay in our communities.
Responses to questions asked of each candidate
are reproduced as submitted to the League.
Candidates' responses are presented as submitted. Direct references to opponents are not permitted.
The order of the candidates is random and changes daily. Candidates who did not respond are not listed on this page.