This information is provided by the candidate
My Priorities
Fiscal Responsibility and Collaborative Government
Addressing our fiscal challenges requires changing how we do business. Pension reform, streamlining government, sharing resources between agencies, and public/private partnerships should all be part of the solution. Doing business differently will help balance the budget, and also provide an opportunity to improve on what we do.
Environmental Protection
My family has been involved in environmental causes for three generations. I'm committed to preserving our open space, ensuring that new development is a positive for the social and economic vitality of our communities and environment, and to finding ways to develop clean energy and reduce our greenhouse gas emissions.
Public Safety
Flood and fire threaten the Ross Valley, and prevention programs are vital. As Supervisor Hal Brown's aide, I saw and felt the 2005 flood's destruction. So I worked with Hal, community leaders, environmentalists, and business to create a regional, watershed-based plan to reduce future flooding. I'm committed to keeping this program on pace, so we can make good on Hal's legacy, and add value to our community through environmental and infrastructure improvements.
Reduced Traffic and Better Transportation
We must reduce traffic on all fronts. We must fortify our public transit system, develop alternative modes of transit, and continue to support bike and pedestrian improvements that make it possible to safely move around in our communities without a car.
I'm Listening
My leadership style is about listening and being collaborative. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns about County government.
Phone: (415) 483-9433, Email: