Our City has experienced monumental changes over the past few years, some good and some bad. The quality of our city can be judged by the way we handle the challenges and successes we have experienced. I remain committed to the building of our City through the building of our families. I want to continue to lead our city so that we can and will utilize the tools that we now have at our disposal, the result of years of wise planning, courageous actions and dedicated commitment to the future. The future is now. We can and will begin the process of providing the necessary elements to assist our citizens, both old and new, to become better neighbors, more accomplished home owners and more responsible and effective citizens. My focus in the future is to continue to build a city that is responsive to not only the needs of today but to anticipate the challenges of tomorrow. I want to strengthen our approach to being proactive when dealing with crime, proactive in eliminating blight and look forward to the time when there is no need for property maintenance officers while continuing to be fiscally responsible. I firmly believe that by teaching those citizens who need basic life skills, promoting communication between and among all of us and by re-establishing such atmosphere of community, we will keep and attract the quality of citizens that we want that is, caring, considerate and informed citizens.- In this crucial stage of redevelopment in which we find ourselves, it is essential that we have people who are not only familiar with the tools that we have developed but have the knowledge of how to use them effectively. The difference between success and failure is the ability to recognize an opportunity and the courage to act immediately. That is LEADERSHIP. I have proven my ability in both private business and public service to be a leader. We have much yet to do and so I refuse to give up on our City and our future!