This information is provided by the candidate
San Carlos School Board Members
- Carrie Du Bois
- Beth Hunkapiller
- Mark Olbert
- Tom Quiggle
- Seth Rosenblatt
Current and Former Elected Officials
- Rich Gordon, (CA Assemblyman)
- Ted Lempert (Former CA Assemblyman and President of Children Now)
- Don Horsley (San Mateo County Supervisor)
- Andy Klein (San Carlos Mayor)
- Bob Grassilli (San Carlos City Council Member)
- Tom Davids (Former San Carlos Mayor)
- Jim Fox (Former San Mateo County District Attorney)
Parents, Teachers and Community Volunteers
- Adam Alberti
- Donna Becht
- Lori and Bob Bredel
- Melissa Brenner
- Lynn and Tim Burke
- April (Former President, San Carlos Educational Foundation) and Jon Carlson
- Nina and John Clinton
- Ron Collins
- Lisa and Andy Cost
- Janie and Dick Cox
- Adrienne Crusick
- Rachel de Brier
- Rachel and Richard Dooley
- Lindsey Ford
- Bonnie Fox
- Christine Fox-Sennett and Keith Sennett
- Michele and Marc Francesconi
- Phaidra Garcia
- Nandini Gondhalekar and Atul Suklikav
- Gwen Harrison and Cisco Villalta
- Gayle Hoch
- Marianne and Brian Jett
- Julie Juergens and Erik Budde
- Matt Kowitt
- Kriselle Laran
- Julie and Keith Lenden
- Susana and Jeff Lerner
- Andrea and Mark Maxwell
- Jennifer and John Minton
- Kathleen and Brian Morearty
- Vicci Mueller
- Lisa and Michael Nakahara
- Lauren Pachkowski
- Brian Perkins
- Heidi Pucell
- Susan Raymond
- Jill Reinemann and Tom Biskobing
- Mindie and Jon Romanowsky
- Marie and Scott Rosecrans
- Kelly and Randy Rubingh
- Chris and Rob Rush
- Todd Schofield
- Nancy and Peter Schmidt
- Jennifer and Bill Sharratt
- Amy and Howie Shohet
- Laura Teutschel
- Linda Teutschel
- Martha Trela and Andy Blasband
- Jennifer (Former President, San Carlos Educational Foundation) and Randy Webb
- Betsy and Shawn Wienckowski
- Kate Wormington
- Chris Wu
- Marie and Jeff Young
Newspaper Endorsements