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Alameda County, CA November 8, 2011 Election
Smart Voter Political Philosophy for John P. Marchand

Candidate for
Mayor; City of Livermore

This information is provided by the candidate

Why I am running for Mayor:

The original reason that I sought public office was to make the community a better place. That is why I served on the Zone 7 water Board. Under my leadership, significant improvements were made to the water quality and water supply reliability, benefits the region still enjoys to this day. Zone 7 was recognized as being one of the top ten water utilities in the nation out of 161,000 water agencies.

I have served four terms as Vice Mayor and a year as Acting Mayor. I have actually done the job and from all accounts, I was successful. Working with the other Tri-Valley Mayors, we brought back over $5M of our tax dollars from Washington D.C. to rebuild and expand Livermore's infrastructure. I also worked with Congressmembers Tauscher, Garamendi and McNerney to keep our Veteran's Hospital open after it had been marked for closure.

Livermore now has the momentum to continue our downtown revitalization and to the encourage new investment in high-tech. The new Livermore National Lab and Sandia open campus, along with the innivative Green Advanced Transportation Excellence (iGATE) and innovative National Energy Systems Technology (iNEST) incubators will bring in hundreds of millions of dollars of new investment and thousands of jobs over the next 5 years.

I am proud to have been instrumental in bringing in the new Paragon Outlet Mall which will bring in millions of dollars in new revenue and create thousands of jobs.

What is the role of the mayor?

The Mayor is the chief policy maker, the face, the spokesman and an active advocate for the City. As your mayor, I will continue to represent the people and the best interests of Livermore.

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Created from information supplied by the candidate: October 30, 2011 15:52
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