Previous Council is responsible for not having stopped or corrected the misuse of City/RDA funds and Toxic Projects; giving valuable real estate to a Developer for FREE; not stopping Brown Act Violations; accepting Nepotism and Cronyism; not reacting to back door deals; not challenging the City Manager and City Attorney; not directing senior staff to sign Conflict of Interest /Form 700, and, not stopping NEO Consulting in its outrageous activities.
Nobody stopped the Brown Act violations witnessed at every single City Council meeting for years, nor speak up in Council to discuss Code of Ethics, Nepotism and wrongdoings. Council voted "Aye" on a $56M expense to start Sycamore North during a Consent Calendar session (!) in April 2009. Council did not stop the City Manager/Attorney when they gave Red Barn the 6.5 acres land (Market Hall) for FREE in April 2010, a $6.5M gift! Nobody challenged HMU and the $10M+ subsidized by the Feneral Fund to keep HMU alive.
We heard: "I had a conversation in closed session with the City Manager because I felt he went too far". What about publicly expressing concerns in Public during a City Council meeting? That would have made a strong statement and would have changed the outcome on many issues. Council Member is also responsible for the nepotism, sweet deals and wrongdoings done from 2008 and for misuses of RDA funds, and outrageous Affordable Housing policy/management which led our City/RDA to the Financial crisis we are facing today.
I believe the impact of what Council should have stopped or changed is about $70M.