This is an archive of a past election. See for current information. |
by the
League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania Citizens Education Fund
providing personalized comprehensive unbiased voter information any time you want it. |
Pennsylvania |
Columbia County Ballot
48 BUTTERNUT LN, 17774
See Also:
Information for the County of Columbia |
May 17, 2011 Election
Judicial |
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Polling Location on May 17, 7 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Precinct 1068 |
Election Preview | |
This is a preview of the election. Candidates will be added
and may change until the final certified list of names is available.
Some contests or ballot questions might be added.
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Judge; Pennsylvania Superior Court; Republican Party
Judge; Pennsylvania Superior Court; Democratic Party
(Only Democratic and Republican party candidates are on the ballot for Judge; Pennsylvania Superior Court) Judge; Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court; Republican Party
Judge; Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court; Democratic Party
(Only Democratic and Republican party candidates are on the ballot for Judge; Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court) Judge; Court of Common Pleas; District 26; Republican Party
Judge; Court of Common Pleas; District 26; Democratic Party
(Only Democratic and Republican party candidates are on the ballot for Judge; Court of Common Pleas; District 26)