I will work to reduce the revolving door cycle of our prison system. I will work to introduce programs so prisoners are rehabilitated and institute mandatory drug and alcohol counseling for prisoners.
The reason I think this is important is because we are getting to a point where Harrisburg will start spending more money on the prison system then on education. People just don't walk into a Wawa and take a coin collection can off the counter for no reason at all. I remember a study that was done at Delaware County prison in 2005. It stated that 90% of the prisoners suffered from drug, alcohol, or a mental illness. If we could reduce this number by half, then we are closing the revolving door. We must make mandatory programs in the prisons for all prisoners. It is a proven fact that to control the disease of addiction or alcoholism you must work on your program on a daily basis. I know that this is not going to work for all of the prisoners, but i feel that if we can save a few and give them the tools needed in life to make them a productive member of society then it is worth it.