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Westchester County, NY November 2, 2010 Election
Smart Voter

Examiner Newspaper Ad

By Joseph C. Morreale

Candidate for Trustee; Village of Mount Kisco

This information is provided by the candidate
Political Positions of Jean Farber and Joe Morreale
It has been an honor to meet so many of you during this campaign. Whether we met at Mount Kisco Sales Days, at a special event at the American Legion, the Senior Center, or going door to door, we have appreciated the opportunity to speak with you.

Please allow us to serve this wonderful Village as New Voices with moderate views and practical ideas by:

  • Keeping our property taxes down through further economic development.
  • Ensuring Leonard Park remains beautiful for residents of all ages.
  • Effective and aggressive code enforcement to ensure the safety of those who use our Village's buildings and to guard against over crowded apartments.
  • Finding realistic and creative ways to keep traffic moving through the village.
  • Working to create a more efficient and effective Village government in the delivery of our important public services.

We are willing to commit to the task and work for the people of our community.

Remember to Vote on November 2nd.

Thank you, Jean Farber and Joseph Morreale Candidates for Village Trustees Running on the Democratic and Independence lines. Paid for by the Mount Kisco Democratic Committee

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ny/wst Created from information supplied by the candidate: October 27, 2010 08:22
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