The questions were prepared by the Leagues of Women Voters of New York State and asked of all candidates for this office.
See below for questions on
Climate Change,
Wars in Iraq/Afghanistan,
Click on a name for candidate information. See also more information about this contest.
1. What changes to our current immigration policy do you support?
Answer from Joseph J. DioGuardi:
The real issue is legal immigration. I'd like to think we can reform the legal immigration system to allow people to come here from every corner of the globe who are good citizens and hard workers, who want a better education and to build a better life for their children.
Answer from Kirsten E. Gillibrand:
I'm committed to fixing our broken immigration system. A comprehensive fix includes a real path to earned citizenship, smart border security, fair labor rights, passage of the DREAM Act to provide every child with a good start, and tax credits for businesses that offer ESL and citizenship programs for employees.
Answer from Cecile A. Lawrence:
Bolster the critical contribution that immigrants make to our economy as workers, entrepreneurs, taxpayers and consumers, Strengthen the rights of immigrants in the workplace And end to preferential quotas based on race, class, and ideology An end to the use of racial profiling.
Answer from Vivia Morgan:
US immigration policy should provide uniform standards for all immigrants regardless of their country of origin. A pathway to citizenship for documented and undocumented immigrants
2. What legislation do you support to reduce CO2 emissions?
Answer from Joseph J. DioGuardi:
I believe we should be good stewards of our environment, and that making a profit and protecting the environment are not mutually exclusive. We need to pursue further reductions in fossil fuel usage and build solar, wind, and nuclear alternatives.
Answer from Kirsten E. Gillibrand:
I support aggressive action to reduce carbon emissions by 80 percent by the year 2050. Capping emissions and investing in green technologies will the stem the effects of climate change and drive private-sector investment in clean and efficient energy sources.
Answer from Cecile A. Lawrence:
Carbon tax with payment assistance to individuals and families below a specified income. Remove all tax subsidies for fossil fuel corporations. Switch to subsidies and rapidly phase to incentives for small scale solar, wind, thermal, with particular focus on conservation and insulation for new and existing structures.
Answer from Vivia Morgan:
We need disincentives to corporate / commercial burning of fossil fuels. Additionally, mass transit hubs need to be funded while personal use automobiles are required to pay higher tolls that would fund infrastructure road rail development.
3. What timetable would you support for the removal of troops from Iraq and Afghanistan?
Answer from Vivia Morgan:
End the war in Iraq/Afghanistan by October 6, 2011. Our sons and daughters should be brought home as soon as possible. US troops should only be assigned to defensive missions consistent with the mandates of the United Nations policies. All other troops should be assigned to Defense Department tasks of protecting the lives of US citizens at home.
Answer from Kirsten E. Gillibrand:
I support the recent removal of combat troops from Iraq, as agreed to with the Iraqi government. I also support a timetable for drawing down troops from Afghanistan as a political tool to help encourage the Afghan government to assume more responsibility for their own security.
Answer from Joseph J. DioGuardi:
Our troops are withdrawing from Iraq, per President Obama's announcement. In Afghanistan, I'm willing to support General Petraeus' efforts to accomplish his mission by next summer, but unwilling to extend it at the risk of losing more Americans, spending billions of dollars, and failing to meet our national security needs.
Answer from Cecile A. Lawrence:
All troops in those countries to be home in time for the holidays at the end of 2010. Closure of at least 50% of all military bases in other countries.
4. Do you support substantial additional federal funding for economic recovery?
Answer from Joseph J. DioGuardi:
Absolutely not. Washington is spending money we don't have and borrowing from countries we don't trust. If we are to emerge from the Great Recession, spending must be cut, taxes must be lowered and regulations must be effective but limited. The government's growth is not the answer for economic recovery.
Answer from Kirsten E. Gillibrand:
The on1y way we are going to pay down the deficit and get our fiscal house in order is by growing our economy and making wise investments to create jobs. I want to end outsourcing of jobs and see "Made in America" again by providing tax credits for businesses that create jobs, investing in infrastructure and making a new commitment to research and development in New York.
Answer from Cecile A. Lawrence:
Shrink the gap between the wealthy and the poor. An economic system of private businesses, decentralized democratic cooperatives, publicly owned enterprises, and alternative economic structures.
Answer from Vivia Morgan:
Yes! Without question, advancing the economy is a universal call. All efforts to bring recovery are needed.
Responses to questions asked of each candidate
are reproduced as submitted to the League.
Candidates' responses are not edited or corrected by the League.
The order of the candidates is random and changes daily. Candidates who did not respond are not listed on this page.