The questions were prepared by the League of Women Voters of California and asked of all candidates for this office.
See below for questions on
Federal Budget,
Health Care,
Campaign Financing
Click on a name for candidate information. See also more information about this contest.
1. In this time of high unemployment, what are the most important steps that should be taken to improve our nation’s economy?
Answer from Larry S. Andre:
Washington has hobbled the ability of business to create jobs with high taxes, and regulations. Government does not create anything except bigger government that we must pay for. The American people are a creative resourceful people that are more than able and willing to tackle the issues facing our nation. When Washington gets out of the way and allows the American people to do what we do best, we will be able to work our way out of the mess career professional politicians have created. If Washington would have spent less on stimulus and given the American people back their hard earned tax dollars, our nation would be well on our way to recovery. What was done was to ensure our grand children will have generational debt and their American Dream will be diminished by all the spending taking place in Washington. Dennis Prager radio talk show host says "the bigger the government the smaller the person". In other words we have to give up our liberties to an ever growing Federal government.
Answer from John A. Smith:
One of the biggest steps is reducing the Governments role in business. Oversight and regulation within the frame work of "Assisting Companies" not working against them.
Reduce the Tax Burden on companies Small to Large. Repeal NAFTA and other trade agreements that give special treatment to other countries. Repairing the Education systems to ensure our Citizens can compete in the higher paying Technical Fields. Work to bring manufacturing jobs back to America.
2. How should federal budget priorities be changed, now and into the future? How will you balance the costs of military action overseas and national security with the costs of domestic needs?
Answer from John A. Smith:
As an American Citizen, I believe we should take care of America and Americans first and foremost. Stop all Foreign Aid.
I'm a Marine Corp Veteran and Military Dependent; I understand that there is need to protect our interest, but the current use of our Military is somewhat like a Mercenary role. Sell our Military Bases around the world and bring our Troops Home. This will reduce the Overall cost, increase retention, reduce training cost, and better secure our borders.
Repair Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, Audit and reduce the Fraud, work with the Senior to keep our promise, but give younger people the option to Opt Out.
Answer from Larry S. Andre:
End baseline budgeting. Using last year's budget as a starting point for next years budget created a larger and larger government. Every department must substantiate their budget every year. An incentive program could be instituted to reward department managers for coming in under budget. By creating the atmosphere for a robust economy now and in the future, there will be dollars available for defense as well as the necessary social programs and entitlements.
3. What, if anything, should be done by the federal government to address our dependence on fossil fuels or spur the use of clean energy?
Answer from Larry S. Andre:
The USA is a resource rich nation, currently we import nearly 60% of our oil needs. Our nation has the technology to harvest our resources in an environmentally friendly way. All to frequently many of the nations we import from have lax environmental standards. In the short term we must use an all of the above approach to our energy needs, and as cleaner energy sources come online utilize those sources while phasing out traditional sources.
Answer from John A. Smith:
In 1977 President Carter started the Dept of Energy to reduce our need for Foreign Oil. So we either refocus that dept or de-fund it.
We can reduce the Fossil Fuels, with a combination of clean energy sources, Hydrogen, Solar, Wind, geothermal; et al. can be used for home and business use. Most of the Fossil Fuels go to Transportation use, so focus on cleaner transportation methods with a better highway, rail systems.
We need to develop a ten year realistic plan to move towards cleaner sustainable energy.
4. What, if any, changes should be made to current federal policies or programs that promote or provide health coverage for Americans?
Answer from Larry S. Andre:
The Health Care Plan as passed by the Congress must be repealed and re-written, to place the health care market back into the hands of private enterprise. The facts are the Federal government is extremely inefficient, one can look at the Medicare system. I favor allowing senior's the ability to relieve grants for their health care and allowing them to purchase their "Medicare" from the private marketplace or from the Federal government. I am for more choice in the health insurance industry, thereby creating competition that will keep costs lower.
Answer from John A. Smith:
Health Care should be between a Patient and the Doctor. The Insurance Companies should only handle the payments. The current systems need to be improved not taken over by creating yet another Federal Dept.
Developing a plan to address the actual Cost of Care would ensure that cost goes down and coverage goes up. Medicaid and Medicare are ripe for Waste, Fraud and abuse so auditing and accountability would have to be increased.
5. What, if any, changes should be made to federal rules on campaign financing or disclosure of political expenditures?
Answer from Larry S. Andre:
Donations should be unlimited, with full disclosure. The Campaign Finance Laws have created an atmosphere where only the super rich can afford to run for office. Full disclosure with unlimited donations will level the play field.
Answer from John A. Smith:
Educating the Citizens will be the only way to correct this issue.
Require Candidates to report on their personal website all the information from contributors without having to dig though piles of Government reporting data.
Responses to questions asked of each candidate
are reproduced as submitted to the League.
Candidates' responses are not edited or corrected by the League. No candidate may refer to another candidate in the response.
The order of the candidates is random and changes daily. Candidates who did not respond are not listed on this page.