The questions were prepared by the League of Women Voters of Sonoma County and asked of all candidates for this office.
See below for questions on
fire and police,
cities' merger
Click on a name for candidate information. See also more information about this contest.
1. Please speak to the WalMart expansion issue.
Answer from Jack Rosevear:
Personally- I favor the Walmart expansion which adds to the public's shopping choices and business competition. Walmart has planned for a future expansion long ago and they have been good community partners. As a City Council member, when faced with making a decision about an issue like this, I will assure that there is a solid study process that incorporates facts, expert recommendations and input from the community. There were expert studies regarding the expansion impacts which were disregarded. Public input was not obtained in an organized and valuable way. Concerns about the expansion were set aside because the Council is in a panic mode due to lack of action regarding their financial status. The City does not have an organized and established way to evaluate projects, how the community feels about it and what the decision making process should be. The Council members should not act on personal feeling but on definitive studies with facts backing it up. This did not happen with the Walmart expansion and with other important projects. The Council must act based on solid facts and the input of the community- this did not happen and I am not sure the Council made the right decision for the community regarding the expansion.
Answer from Pam Stafford:
The Wal Mart expansion was a legally permitted use and a building permit application. The original plans for WalMart eighteen years ago provided plans for this expansion. The decision of our Council, for me, was based on
whether or not what they were asking for was a reasonable request for expansion. Legally they had the right to expand their exisitng store.
Answer from Roger L. Schwanke:
I supported the expansion of Wal-Mart because I see citizen(s) of different cities traveling to Wal-Mart not only to purchase groceries but other items which would increase the tax revenue for Rohnert Park. It would add additional employees that would help with the unemployment rate.
Answer from Amy O. Ahanotu:
Rohnert Park General Plan is the guiding document for WalMart expansion. Strict interpretation of the General Plan as it affects the expansion requires the policy makers to vote against the project.
2. What are your feelings about the combined police and fire duties and the financial cutbacks?
Answer from Roger L. Schwanke:
I believe because of the cut backs within the Department of Public Safety it is critical that we do not lose any more employee(s) or we may have to look at alternative ways of the day to day work of Public Safety. We to have the option of continuing with Auto Aide and Mutual Aide from other Fire Agencies, however I would also like to see our Volunteer Fire Fighter program increased.
Answer from Pam Stafford:
Combined police and fire was originally done as a cost savings measure. We have expanded our fire services to provide for full time fire with staffed fire houses. Police are dually trained so that they can also respond to a fire and the currently assigned firemen can respond to police calls, if needed. The financial cutbacks in police and fire have been a necessity in light of the current economic climate. Everyone is doing more with less.
Answer from Jack Rosevear:
I have the most experience in this area due to my recent service as Fire Commander (Fire Chief) and a life career in the fire service, including five years as a police officer. Rohnert Park is only one of two agencies in the state which use a "public safety" model, which is a true integration of police and fire services. To properly operate such a system (Sunnyvale is the other city), it takes money and a commitment from the City that it will be properly supported and funded. The City of Rohnert Park has a very efficient system and the overall costs do save money. The cutbacks to Public Safety have been devastating in terms of staffing and training priorities to keep skills sharp for both professions. If elected, I will bring an understanding of what the public safety concept is and will work with my fellow Council members to maintain the current system- if possible; currently the system and the proper way to operate it is misunderstood- Public Safety is naturally thought of as a huge spender and waster of money (taking the majority of the General Fund). Cuts to Public Safety without consideration of impacts to the public safety model and what it takes to run this kind of operation- it is not as easy as it looks. The reduction in funding has caused the police to prioritize their function at the detriment of fire services. This is due to the influence of the DPS management and their lack of experience with fire department administration. The public safety model must be understood and the City should evaluate if they are committed to such as system. If left alone- there will be inadequate staffing for either police or fire- fire will collapse first. This is a dangerous combination regarding their ability to operate as a fire department, exposing employees to injury and jeopardizing the safety of the public by being unable to perform basic tasks- such as search and rescue from a burning building. I do not advocate a split from the current system because realization and understanding of the system needs to happen first. The level of ignorance shown by the City in managing this unique system is quite astounding. This is a detriment to the public.
Answer from Amy O. Ahanotu:
Police and fire services have become so complex that the concept of combined police and fire needs further study. Both require highly specialized professionals. The question is - is it cost effective to continue the concept? City Council must answer this question as the city struggles to emerge from the financial crisis.
Financial cutbacks are inevitable in this financial crisis. The City does not have any other options. The City has worked very hard to minimize the cutbacks and maintain high police and fire services.
3. Please give your views on the considered merger of Cotati and Penngrove.
Answer from Amy O. Ahanotu:
The decision is up to the residents of Cotati and Penngrove.
Answer from Jack Rosevear:
I have not heard of such a proposal. I have heard of a merger between Rohnert Park and Cotati- which does seem logical considering the geography, financing and infrastructure. Penngrove is a more rural setting and the County support does seem a long distance away. Cotati and Rohnert Park need to establish solid leadership, representation of its community, fiscal responsibility and more before it can take on anyone else's community. I do believe that mergers and consolidations should happen when the community is supportive and it makes economic sense. To hold on to one's "piece of the pie" does not work any longer and elected officials must think outside of the box. Some consolidations and mergers can be a detriment to one side or the other so it is very important to be smart, approach issues in a business-like manner and seek the solid imput from the community.
Answer from Pam Stafford:
I am not aware of this merger.
Answer from Roger L. Schwanke:
I have not heard of any type of merger. I do know that the City of Cotati was looking to merge their Police Department with either Rohnert Park or the Sheriff's Office, however I believe this is no longer the situation.
Responses to questions asked of each candidate
are reproduced as submitted to the League.
Candidates' responses are not edited or corrected by the League. Candidates may not refer to any other candidates in their answers.
The order of the candidates is random and changes daily. Candidates who did not respond are not listed on this page.