Click on ballot measure for more detail.
- Measure I.
-- Belmont-Redwood Shores Elementary School District
(55% Approval Required)
9,509 /
65.9% Yes votes ......
4,922 /
34.1% No votes
- Ralston Middle School Repair Measure. To continue quality education/prevent classroom overcrowding, shall Belmont-Redwood Shores School District repair/replace leaking roofs, provide additional classrooms for science, math, general instruction, construct, acquire, repair classrooms/ facilities/sites/equipment, meet current fire/safety codes, improve disabled access, upgrade technology, replace outdated electrical, plumbing, heating, ventilation, safety/security systems by issuing $25,000,000 of bonds, qualifying for State matching funds, with citizens' oversight, no funds for administrator salaries/all funds staying local?
- Measure J.
-- South San Francisco Unified School District
(55% Approval Required)
13,758 /
77.5% Yes votes ......
3,985 /
22.5% No votes
- To provide safe, modern classrooms and educational support facilities by replacing deteriorated portable classrooms with permanent classrooms; repairing deteriorated roofs; providing disabled students access; upgrading science labs, libraries, technology and restrooms; enhancing safety, fire detection and security systems; improving energy efficiency; replacing outdated electrical, plumbing, and heating systems, shall South San Francisco Unified School District issue $162,000,000 in bonds at legal interest rates, with citizen oversight, annual audits, no money for administrators' salaries, and all funds benefiting local schools?
- Measure K.
Sales Tax
-- City of Half Moon Bay
(Majority Approval Required)
2,127 /
47.4% Yes votes ......
2,363 /
52.6% No votes
- Half Moon Bay Vital City Services Measure. To protect quality of life in the City of Half Moon Bay by maintaining essential local services including local library hours, 911 emergency police response, youth and senior programs and services, a local police department, park and recreational programs, street and pothole repair and other general City services, shall the City of Half Moon Bay levy a one cent sales tax, which the State cannot take away, and with independent annual audits and all funds staying local?
- Measure L.
Retirement Benefits
-- City of Menlo Park
(Majority Approval Required)
8,238 /
71.3% Yes votes ......
3,311 /
28.7% No votes
- Shall the ordinance entitled "Measure to limit retirement benefits for new City of Menlo Park employees (Except Sworn Police Officers) and to restrict City Council from increasing benefits in the future without voter approval", be adopted?
- Measure M.
Vehicle Registration Fee
-- County of San Mateo
(Majority Approval Required)
110,549 /
54.9% Yes votes ......
90,740 /
45.1% No votes
- To help maintain neighborhood streets, fix potholes, provide transportation options, improve traffic circulation, provide transit options including senior and disabled services, reduce congestion, reduce water pollution from oil and gas runoff, and provide safe routes to schools, shall the Congestion Management Agency for San Mateo County levy a $10 registration fee, for 25 years, on vehicles registered in San Mateo County, requiring annual audits and all funds be spent for programs and projects in San Mateo County?
- Measure N.
-- Belmont-Redwood Shores Elementary School District
(55% Approval Required)
6,744 /
64.0% Yes votes ......
3,795 /
36.0% No votes
- Elementary School Repair Measure. To continue quality education, shall Belmont-Redwood Shores Elementary School District (SFID) repair/replace leaking roofs, construct, acquire, repair classrooms/facilities/sites/equipment, meet current fire/ safety codes, improve disabled access, provide science classrooms/additional classrooms to prevent overcrowding, upgrade technology, replace outdated electrical, plumbing, heating, ventilation, and security systems by issuing $35,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, qualifying for State matching funds, with citizens' oversight, no funds for administrators, and funds benefiting local schools?
- Measure O.
-- San Mateo Union High School District
(55% Approval Required)
43,251 /
61.9% Yes votes ......
26,603 /
38.1% No votes
- To better prepare local students for college/ 21st century jobs, shall San Mateo Union High School District provide classrooms/ labs for science, math, and job-training, update educational facilities to meet current safety codes, provide modern classroom technology/ computers, support academic programs/ teachers by eliminating debt, and repair, construct and acquire equipment, sites, schools/ facilities, by issuing $186,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, with citizen oversight, no money for administrators' salaries and all funds supporting only local schools?
- Measure P.
Parcel Tax
-- Jefferson Union High School District
(2/3 Approval Required)
21,146 /
65.8% Yes votes ......
10,975 /
34.2% No votes
- To maintain and improve academic programs including reading, writing, science and math; fund computer technology/vocational training, and retain highly qualified teachers; shall Jefferson Union High School District levy $96 per parcel annually for four years (as described in the voter pamphlet), so long as seniors are exempt, no money is used for administrators' salaries, independent citizens' committee oversight is required, and all funds are spent on neighborhood schools and cannot be taken by the State and used elsewhere?
- Measure Q.
Appointive City Treasurer
-- Town of Colma
(Majority Approval Required)
163 /
51.3% Yes votes ......
155 /
48.7% No votes
- Shall the office of City Treasurer be appointive?
- Measure R.
Transient Occupancy Tax
-- City of Pacifica
(Majority Approval Required)
8,018 /
59.7% Yes votes ......
5,414 /
40.3% No votes
- To ensure funding for general city services, shall the City of Pacifica approve an ordinance amending the Pacifica Municipal Code to increase the transient occupancy tax rate from ten percent (10%) to twelve percent (12%) on the rent charged to hotel guests within the City?
- Measure S.
City Election Timing
-- City of Half Moon Bay
(Majority Approval Required)
3,584 /
83.0% Yes votes ......
732 /
17.0% No votes
- Initiative to amend the timing of the city's general election In order to consolidate with local school district and statewide general elections, and to help reduce the City's elections costs, shall all current City Council terms be extended by one year and shall section 1.24.010 of the Half Moon Bay Municipal Code be amended to provide that the City's general municipal election be held in each even-numbered year commencing with the year 2012?
- Measure T.
Menlo Gateway Project
-- City of Menlo Park
(Majority Approval Required)
7,612 /
64.5% Yes votes ......
4,189 /
35.5% No votes
- Shall the voters affirm the decision of the Menlo Park City Council to approve the Menlo Gateway project and amend the City's General Plan to permit construction of offices, research and development space, a hotel, health club and restaurant on property located east of Highway 101 near Marsh Road?
- Measure U.
Charter Amendment
-- County of San Mateo
(Majority Approval Required)
115,887 /
65.9% Yes votes ......
60,008 /
34.1% No votes
- Shall the San Mateo County Charter be amended to require filling of vacancies on the Board of Supervisors by election for vacancies occurring on or before October 15th of the third year of the term, and by election or appointment for vacancies after October 15th; and to authorize, for vacancies in any county elected office, an all-mailed ballot election, and commencement of the process to fill the vacancy on the date a resignation letter is filed?
- Measure V.
Councilmember Term Limits
-- City of Pacifica
(Majority Approval Required)
6,741 /
51.0% Yes votes ......
6,470 /
49.0% No votes
- Shall an ordinance be adopted providing prospectively that no person who has served two terms of office as a Pacifica City Councilmember shall be eligible to run for election as a Pacifica City Councilmember and further providing that if for any reason a person serves a partial term as Pacifica City Councilmember in excess of two years, that partial term shall be considered a full term for purposes of the term limit provision?
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