Click on ballot measure for more detail.
- Proposition A.
Proposed San Diego County Charter Amendment to Ensure Fair and Open Competition for County Construction Contracts
-- County of San Diego
(Majority Approval Required)
614,744 /
75.8% Yes votes ......
196,315 /
24.2% No votes
- Shall the San Diego County Charter be amended to prohibit the County from requiring the use of project labor agreements on County construction projects except where required by State or federal law?
- Proposition B.
Amends City Charter to Add Good Cause Requirement for Certain Terminations Or Suspensions of Deputy City Attorneys
-- City of San Diego
(Majority Approval Required)
238,803 /
72.3% Yes votes ......
91,671 /
27.7% No votes
- Shall the Charter be amended to establish a good cause requirement for the termination or suspension of Deputy City Attorneys who have served continuously for two years or more, except that any Deputy City Attorney may be subject to layoff due to lack of work or insufficient appropriations?
- Proposition C.
Amending Ordinance Number O-18568 (Proposition M of 1998) Relating to Development of Pacific Highlands Ranch
-- City of San Diego
(Majority Approval Required)
228,775 /
70.7% Yes votes ......
94,866 /
29.3% No votes
- Shall Proposition M be amended, allowing completion of parks, library, trails, recreation and transportation facilities for Pacific Highlands Ranch by removing a development timing restriction based on completion of the SR-56/I-5 Interchange, only after City Council approves a program of phased development ensuring facilities are constructed before or concurrent with new development, paid for by developers at no cost to taxpayers?
- Proposition D.
If Financial Reform Conditions Are Met, Authorizes Temporary One-Half Cent Sales Tax
-- City of San Diego
(Majority Approval Required)
137,010 /
38.1% Yes votes ......
222,166 /
61.9% No votes
- To help offset severe state cuts and help restore essential services, including police, fire and street resurfacing, shall the City of San Diego enact a temporary one-half cent sales tax for up to five years, only if the independent City Auditor certifies conditions have been met, including pension reforms and managed competition?
- Proposition G.
Retirement Benefits
-- City of Carlsbad
(Charter Amendment - Majority Approval Required)
23,998 /
64.3% Yes votes ......
13,335 /
35.7% No votes
- Shall the Charter of Carlsbad, California be amended to add Section 502 Retention of Benefits limiting increases in safety retirement benefits without an amendment to this section?
- Proposition H.
Telecommunications Users' Tax Amendments
-- City of Chula Vista
(Majority Approval Required)
23,303 /
43.7% Yes votes ......
30,003 /
56.3% No votes
- Shall the ordinance to modernize the City's 1978 Telephone Users' Tax (renamed the Telecommunications Users' Tax), with no rate increase; maintain exemptions for low income senior citizens; ensure Tax proceeds continue to be available for general municipal purposes, including police, fire, streets, libraries, and parks; revise the method for calculating and collecting the Tax to reflect technological and legal changes; and amend the tax base to equitable include all applicable telecommunications services be adopted?
- Proposition J.
Emergency Teacher Retention/Classroom Education
-- San Diego Unified School District
(2/3 Approval Required)
133,785 /
50.8% Yes votes ......
129,737 /
49.2% No votes
- To prevent Math, Science and English teacher layoffs, protect neighborhood
schools from state budget cuts, prevent cuts to essential academic programs,
job/college preparation, and preserve small classes, shall San Diego Unified
School District levy a Temporary 5 Year Emergency annual tax that Sacramento can not take away of $98/single family home, and taxes on other types of parcels, exempting low income seniors, with independent audits and no money for administrators' salaries?
- Proposition K.
School Bonds
-- San Marcos Unified School District
(55% Approval Required)
20,082 /
63.4% Yes votes ......
11,600 /
36.6% No votes
- To maintain excellent local schools, repair aging, deteriorating classrooms/schools, attract quality teachers and offset State cuts by: removing asbestos, lead paint, repairing roofs, plumbing, wiring; preventing overcrowding; upgrading instructional technology, libraries, science labs; improving seismic, fire and student safety; and improving disabled access; shall San Marcos Unified School District issue $287 million in bonds, at legal interest rates, with citizens' oversight, mandatory audits, no money for District salaries, and all funds remaining local?
- Proposition L.
School Bonds
-- Julian Union High School District
(55% Approval Required)
1,259 /
60.4% Yes votes ......
827 /
39.6% No votes
- To maintain a safe and effective quality student learning environment, provide a modern science/technology center building and to provide for campus renovations, shall the Julian Union High School District be authorized to issue $2,100,000 in bonds within legal interest rates, including independent citizens' oversight, with mandatory audits, where bond funds will be spent locally, cannot be taken by the State and spent elsewhere, without an increase over projected future tax rates and to qualify for State matching funds?
- Proposition M.
School Bonds
-- Dehesa Elementary School District
(55% Approval Required)
507 /
58.4% Yes votes ......
361 /
41.6% No votes
- To improve student access to computers and modern technology; replace portable classrooms and construct new classrooms; build a new science lab and library and other educational facilities; shall Dehesa School District be authorized to issue $5.5 million of bonds within legal interest rates, so long as there is an independent local citizens' oversight committee and no funds can be taken by the State and spent elsewhere?
- Proposition O.
Parcel Tax
-- South Bay Union Elementary School District
(2/3 Approval Required)
8,288 /
59.7% Yes votes ......
5,591 /
40.3% No votes
- To maintain and improve academic programs including math, science, music, arts, reading and writing; retain highly qualified teachers; provide clean and safe schools; and minimize future class-size increases; shall South Bay Union School District raise $1.7 million per year for four years through a parcel tax at a rate described in the voter pamphlet, provided there is independent citizens' oversight and all funds are spent on neighborhood schools and cannot be taken by the State and used elsewhere?
- Proposition P.
School Bonds
-- Encinitas Union Elementary School District
(55% Approval Required)
17,989 /
61.6% Yes votes ......
11,211 /
38.4% No votes
- To improve the quality of education, upgrade computers and technology, improve energy efficiency/water conservation, replace aging roofs, upgrade inadequate electrical, plumbing, heating/ventilation/air-conditioning systems, renovate outdated classrooms, restrooms, and school facilities, and make health, safety and handicapped accessibility improvements, shall Encinitas Union School District acquire, construct, upgrade, and equip school facilities by issuing $44,200,000 of bonds at legal rates, with independent citizens' oversight, no money used for administrative salaries, or be taken by the State?
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