The questions were prepared by the Leagues of Women Voters of Santa Clara County and asked of all candidates for this office.
See below for questions on
Click on a name for candidate information. See also more information about this contest.
1. What are the three top issues facing the Water District, and what are some of the solutions you believe will address the problems?
Answer from Dan Furtado:
1. Transparency, accountability, public communication. The District has important responsibilities and a competent staff. It needs to communicate its message more effectively. 2. Provide sufficient water for residents and business. We can meet our water needs with cooperation and conservation. 3. Develop comprehensive Board policies to (a) ensure adequate & safe water, (b) flood, reservoir, & creek protection, and (c) environmental stewardship.
Answer from Linda J. LeZotte:
The frailty of the Delta ecosystem and infrastructure, climate change and flood protection. We must engage in the statewide discussion and demonstrate leadership with regard to water reliability, Delta stability and long term planning for infrastructure needs. I would request an asset audit to determine the long range needs of the Water District, with regard to repairs, maintenance, refurbishing and replacement of assets. I would expand the water recycling system and conservation efforts.
2. What experience and training do you have which would help the Water District meet its goals?
Answer from Dan Furtado:
I have over 14 years in public office as a city councilmember, 3 terms as Mayor, and a broad base of experience in local government policy issues, including service on the boards of the National League of Cities, the League of California Cities, the Association of Bay Area Governments, and the Santa Clara County Cities Association. I have served on the Water District Guadalupe/West Valley Flood Control & Watershed Committee.
Answer from Linda J. LeZotte:
Over 16 years as a San Jose Planning Commissioner and Councilmember I have led many of the environmental policy discussions and enactments around sustainable development and resource management, including the riparian corridor policy, recycled water expansion and green building policies for the City and other Santa Clara valley cities through the Cities Association and the Green Building Council of SVLG. Additionally as a former councilmember I have managed and implemented my Council budget ($.25M) and City budget ($3.4B) as well as the Redevelopment Agency Budget. I have policy making experience and financial experience both publically and privately to deal with the Water District's $315M budget.
3. How will you balance your constituents needs and interests with residential, agricultural and business needs of entire county while safeguarding the environment?
Answer from Dan Furtado:
All of these components need water, want to secure it at affordable rates, want protection from floods, and recognize the importance of protecting the environment. I believe that the goals are achievable. Conservation of water in landscaping and watering times management (drought-resistant plants/use of less total water), use in the home and in business of measures/devices that promote less water waste, and simple remedies for less water run-off and on-property recycling of outdoor water use can be implemented with education. Efficient and less water use per acre in agriculture can result in growing more food.
Answer from Linda J. LeZotte:
While we are elected by District, I believe we must look at the regional perspective as well. Environmental issues and the duties as a Director do not stop at our respective district boundaries. Advocacy for my constituents would begin with the sense of equity and the uniqueness of the watershed, water utility and support services required by District 4. Underlying all of the decisions, especially capital improvements, is the need to address the environmental concerns associated with flood control measures, creek and stream restoration and trail construction. I support the District's view to build its capital improvements in an environmentally sustainable manner.
4. What is your evaluation of the financial condition of the Water District and how would you ensure that maintenance of infrastructures remains a priority?
Answer from Dan Furtado:
I believe the District has both water resources and finances to meet its needs. In addition to funds from water retailers, the District has received grants (state and federal funds, including stimulus funding), and it also receives funding from various previously-passed bonds. The current budget is $315M and includes position cuts and reduced consultant use. I plan to review the status of funds of various bond and parcel tax measures, and I will analyze projects both completed and planned under the specific funding, including evaluation methods for projects both completed and proposed.Infrastructure maintenance is paramount to safety, and supply of water.
Answer from Linda J. LeZotte:
The financial condition of the SCVWD is currently sound; however like all enterprises which rely on Federal and State funding, property taxes, water production charges and bonds to name a few revenue sources, we must have sound expenditure plans which recognize the instability in these revenue sources. Long range planning, with annual or more frequent reviews are critical to maintain financial stability.
Responses to questions asked of each candidate
are reproduced as submitted to the League.
Candidates' responses are not edited or corrected by the League. Answers must not refer directly or indirectly to another candidate.
The order of the candidates is random and changes daily. Candidates who did not respond are not listed on this page.