This information is provided by the candidate
Institutional Endorsements: The Alameda County Green Party
Local residents: Christine and James P. Ahrens, Joyce Anderson, Debra Arbuckle, Lil and Norma Arnerich, Carolyn Asleson, Carol Asker, Lou Baca, Pat Bail, Pat Barni, Sebastion Baldesarre, Anne and Hon. C. Richard Bartalini, Doris Bay, Zara Bender, Theodore Berry, Jeanette Bilstein, Juanita Blair, Ray Bolton, Gia Boscacci, Mark and Dorothy Boynton, Horst Breuer, Doris Broughton, Beverly Buhnerernkampe, George Bruno, Christophe Buckley, Duke Campbell, Alan and Leslie Cameron, Carol Cantrell, Barbara Capon, Dr. Alice Challen, Mark Raymond Chandler, Robert Chasse, Sebastian Baldassarre, Betty Correia, Florence Coustier, Joe Cloren, Penny Cozad, Mark and Louise Cronenwett,Jennie Curtis, Steve Daily, Diane Coler-Dark, Ingrid Dayton, Doug and Gail deHaan, Roberta Dileo, Robert Drake, Andrew DuBois, Maria and Brian Dominguez, Andrew DuBois, Vicki Elliot, Kathleen and Stephen Fahley, Chris and Lisa Finn, Kevin Fredrick, Catherine and Noel Folsom, Efram Flores, Dorothy Freeman, Pat Gannon, Fred Gardner, Keith Garrard, Steve Gerstle, Janet Gibson, Granville Gilbert, Jim and Linda Gilchrist, John and Louise Goeckel, Nancy Gordon, Rayla Graber, Pat Gannon, Debbie George, Jeannie Graham, Glen Gramsted, Len Grazanka, Dennis Green, Deb Greene, Ken and Sylvia Hansen, Maria Hargrove, Wood Hathaway, Rikki Henneman, Nancy Hird, Florence and Richard Hofmann, Theresa Hauser, Gail and Charles Howell, Jim Huskins, Sylvia Hudson, George Humphreys, Floyd Hunter, Kathy and Joel McIntire, Helen Jefferson, Ash Jones, Jay Justice, Ken and Mel Kahn, Dorothy Karvasales, Kelly Kearnan, Don Keleher, Jim and Evelyn Kennedy, Pat Kinzel, Betty Keller, Barbara Kerr, Clarence Kline, Barbara Kolodzieski, Dennis Laine, Jon and Corrine Lambden, Joyce Larrick, John and Betty Larson, John and Martine Lee, Helena Lengel, Bill and Rae Lisker, Dave and Alycia Lloyd, Sharyn Loshakoff, Yim Louie, Karin Lucas, Judith Lynch, John Mannion, John Maski, William and Georgia McCall, Ed McComb, Rosemary McNally,Hadi Monsef, Marge Pacheco, Pat Payne, Bronson Parry, Ron and Liz Parshall, Kenneth Peterson, Kurt Peterson, Larry Pirack, Paul and Dorlyn Poirier, Don Roberts, Barbara Kerr, Marlene Kerr, Paula Rainey, Marie Raymond, Ann and Mike Richter, Claire and Bob Risley, Nancy Rogers, William Rowen, Richard Rutter, Lance Russum, Brian and Kathleen Schumacher, Holly Sellers, Ronald and Jasmine Schaeffer Emily Shea, Anthony and Roberta Shomon, Bob and Martha Sikora, Diane Smithem, Charles and Linda Spencer, Janelle Statz, Wendell and Sonia Stewart, Jim and Jean Sweeney, Barbara Thomas, John and Eugenie Thomson, Jimmie Thompson, David and Virginia Thompson, Robert Todd, Mark Trujillo, Peter Wang, Marilyn Wellman, Nita and Tony White, Joe Williams, Cyril Wong, Wai-Kuan Woo, Joe Woodard, Mei Ai Xue, Colleen Zeisz