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Alameda County, CA November 2, 2010 Election
Smart Voter

By Judy C. Huang

Candidate for Board Member; Alameda County Water District

This information is provided by the candidate
For the past eighteen years, I have been dedicated to preserving and improving water quality in the Bay Area through my profession and my service on ACWD Board. As a member of the ACWD Board, I worked to develop and implement a comprehensive long-range plan to assure a safe, reliable, and cost-effective, water supply for our community. Under my leadership, ACWD secured over $5.6 million in external grants to improve fish passage in Alameda Creek and to secure additional water supplies through the expansion of our state of the art Newark Desalination Facility. My priorities includes:

  • Maintain the reliability of our water supply by developing and maintaining local water sources and actively protecting ACWD's interest in the State Water Project.

  • Minimize rate increase by optimizing District operations and seek external grant for capital programs and diversifying our water sources to utilize the lowest cost water possible.

  • Be a good environmental steward by continued participation in Alameda Creek Fishery Restoration Project, and statewide Delta Restoration and water supply discussions to minimize the environmental impacts of our Delta water supply,

  • Refurbish and update our distribution system to minimize the risk of failure and property damage.

I believe my background and experience in water quality issues will help me guide ACWD to achieve these goals and continue to provide an environmentally responsible, healthy, cost-effective water supply for the Tri-City area.

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