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Alameda County, CA November 2, 2010 Election
Smart Voter Political Philosophy for Stewart Chen

Candidate for
Board Member; City of Alameda Health Care District

This information is provided by the candidate

As a source of emergency medical services, Alameda Hospital provides a much-needed service and gives its residents the peace of mind that medical care is available when they need it. However, in addition to curing the sick and making them healthy, I also believe that a hospital should play a major role in helping people stay healthy. After all, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

We need to be more proactive in the type of health services that we offer. Extol the values of preventative medicine and encourage a healthy and active lifestyle to improve one's quality of life. Change the image of the hospital from "a place where sick people stay" to "a place where people stay healthy".

I would like to utilize the hospital's staff and resources to provide regular educational forums on various health topics, such as diet and exercise. Aside from holding lectures, we can invite a panel of experts for more in-depth discussions on particular topics of interest to members of the community. We can also offer classes on Yoga, Tai Chi, and nutrition.

We can also explore the possibility of working with businesses in the community. I'm sure businesses are always interested in ways to keep their employees healthy and reduce the number of injuries in the workplace, so we can offer services like administering flu shots, health screenings, and providing advice and assistance on OSHA compliance.

By taking a proactive role such as this, I believe that Alameda Hospital will be seen as an important partner in the community's development instead of an expensive service that is seldom used.

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Created from information supplied by the candidate: September 21, 2010 09:30
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