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Alameda County, CA November 2, 2010 Election
Smart Voter Full Biography for Sarabjit Kaur Cheema

Candidate for
Board Member; New Haven Unified School District

This information is provided by the candidate

I bring think out of the box ideas being a Transportation Engineer for last 12 years. Improving public education opportunities for our future generations is my passion. Teaching is in my blood and I understand how critical is it to motivate youngsters to learn and achieve. I was full time math and science high school teacher in India for 9 years before moving to US in 1991. I became substitute teacher in our schools from 1992-95, while working nights at IBM. I taught math at Chabot College, taught in Oakland schools through junior achievement program, taught engineering at SFSU through Summer Engineering Institute, a partnership from my work. I have a can do attitude and believe in the dignity of hard work. I delivered USPS mail for 3 years from 1995-98 before passing my state exam for engineers. While raising my three young sons with full time job, I still found time and energy to serve on the school site councils and PTA's and many more activities. I have an insight of our district and its needs. I donate my many vacation hours to serve on the different committees in the district for example Strategic plan committee for our district and for James Logan High, committee to hire our superintendent, Current member of Equity Task Force. I will bring more resources to our schools through my active membership and volunteer work with many worthy organizations in our city. I am strong team player. I serve on Union City's Human Relations Commission, besides being an active member of many worthy organizations in our area. I was born and raised in the state of Punjab, India, but Union City is my new birth place. I have lived in Union City since 1992. I have a strong desire to serve my city and help put it on world map. I envision it through education opportunities we provide to our kids. I got everything important in my life through education. I served on the Sikh Temple Fremont's Board from 2005 -08 as Vice President. I always have been involved in Sunday school. I developed and implemented many volunteer based educational programs for youth in the temple which are running successfully. Selfless service is a cornerstone of my life and I hope to pass on that value to our kids through quality education. If you feel the need for more information, then let us talk in person. Your Vote for me, on Nov 2nd will open a new chapter in the history of Union City. You can help create a new level of perfect Union for our country. Sincerely, Sarabjit Kaur Cheema, New Haven School Board

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Created from information supplied by the candidate: October 28, 2010 21:08
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