On June 8, Let Washington D.C. know that you are not happy with the economy and you will elect a new congressman. The prospect of corporate owned government should be avoided by congress. And all United States Representatives should think about the interest of the people first. They say that we are entering a recession. Meanwhile, our district has been going through a depression for 30 years with no good jobs available. Yes, Students need free public education at all levels including the idea of creating free universities. Seniors need food stamp assistance because they can barely survive on Social Security. Jobs need to be developed where workers can increase their wages. Consequently, over 50% of the national tax base goes to the Department of Defence, and there has not been a world war in over 60 years. Dear Citizens, its time to help the people in America. Bring back the electric car! Bring back economic justice! Bring back the jobs that went over seas! Bring back the idea of justice, jobs, a home, and liberty for all Americans!