This is a copy of information submitted to elections officials by the candidate
Statement of DOLORES CARR, Candidate for
District Attorney
Occupation: Santa Clara County District Attorney Age: 56
Education and Qualifications:
Dolores Carr's leadership and experience make our community safer.
Fighting gang crime is top priority - both aggressive prosecution and prevention. Brought acclaimed Parent Project countywide to help families with at-risk teens; member, Mayor's Gang Prevention Task Force; helped fund youth summer programs. Cracked down on mortgage fraud: increased prosecutions, sponsored new law with greater protections. Increased emphasis on consumer and environmental protection.
Proven senior executive leading 488 lawyers and staff, managing $85 million budget. Focus on efficiency resulted in first-ever outside audit and spending cuts while improving performance.
30 yrs experience inside & outside DA's Office: Deputy DA, 15 yrs, sex offender registration prosecution leader; Supervisor, Sexual Assault Unit; Superior Court Judge, 6 yrs, Supervising Judge, Family Division.
Police endorsements - Sheriff Laurie Smith, Santa Clara Chief Steve Lodge and 6 current or retired chiefs, including former SJPD Chiefs Lansdowne and McNamara. Police Officers Ass'ns in San Jose, Mountain View, Sunnyvale, Gilroy, Morgan Hill, Campbell, PORAC - CA's largest police Ass'n. Plus SJ Firefighters.
Endorsed by County Supervisors Don Gage, George Shirakawa, Dave Cortese; CA Assemblymembers Ira Ruskin, Joe Coto, Jim Beall; former San Jose Mayor Susan Hammer, and 75+ gov't and community leaders; 120+ local attorneys; 6 past County Bar presidents.