- Occupation: Incumbent
- Judge(retired), Arbitrator
- Democrat of the year:CA. Dem. Party-2004,Reg. 10
- Democrat of the Year:LA County Dem. Party,41stAD
- Officer/Director:Malibu&Palisades Dem Clubs
- SantaMonica/Malibu SchoolDistrict-BondAudit Comm
- SantaMonica College- Bond Audit Comm
Top Priorities if Elected |
- Better Public Education at all levels-Greater Support&Improved Quality
- Improve environment/Slash Global Warming
- Single-Payer Universal health Care
- Dem/Party/San Fernando Valley (DP/SFV)
- Pacific Palisades, Santa Monica &Malibu Democratic Clubs
- Joe Halper, Pres. Pacific Palisades Dem Club(Retired)