This information is provided by the candidate
It's Time For Something Different!
I am an average guy, a regular citizen who has finally had enough and is fed up with the status quo. Our current flock of politicians march to only one drum beat and that's the mantra of spending our money for everyone else but us. That has to stop!
My son, Cameron, at age 17, asked me how government has managed to get so screwed up from it's beginning until now. Simply, and believe me it's not simple, it's politicians not be honest with themselves and us and not doing the right thing. They are supposed to represent us, and yet they only seem to have their own interests at heart. They spend money like it's never-ending because they know they can just increase our taxes and still get re-elected. That will end when I am elected.
I don't have any endorsements from all the usual players. There are several reasons for that. First, I refuse to be in anybody's back pocket. Second, I support cuts so we can keep our taxes from increasing. They only want to know that I will include them in any spending that's proposed. Third, I want to keep cutting government so we can lower taxes. Fourth, I refuse to make promises for things I cannot deliver. Fifth, while we may not always agree on everything, I am only in this to represent the people of District 8. I will not give in to special interests, developers and others who will not help the residents of my district. We time for a real change, for a change!
Please vote beyond the party lines or even the status quo. There are many good people in Westchester who haven't had a voice in what has been going on for a long time. I will be that voice. Vote for me on November 3, 2009 and let's make a difference together.