A member, representative, and a product of the community dedicated to public service.
I have served on the fire protection board since 1991. I have always been a prime advocate for continuous and effective fire protection, public education, and tried to address all fire-related concerns of my constituents.
Employed as a firefighter fro the past 27 years and raised in this community. I can appreciate the concerns of all stakeholders, especially one of becoming a disaster resistive area, and having efficient and effective emergency services. I will continue to represent all stakeholders involved and practice prudent financial principles. It is my goal to support and represent this entire community, and to give you effective fire emergency response with the maximum value.
Biographical highlights - Occupation : Incumbent, Firefighter, Substitute Teacher, B.A. in Education, M.A. Organizational Management. Top priorities if elected: Maximize the value of fire protection to all stakeholders, Disaster preparedness of the community, Preserve financial resources for the fire district.
Position papers: Director, A member representative, and a product of the community dedicated to public service.