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Los Angeles County, CA November 3, 2009 Election
Smart Voter

By Janye Lee Iberri

Candidate for Governing Board Member; El Monte City School District

This information is provided by the candidate
A. Seek out Innovative Ways to Deal with Budget Cuts without Laying Off Personnel:
  • Utilize our options ➢ Retirement incentive ➢ Unrelenting effort to build partnerships, obtain grants, market schools, etc. ➢ Crucial brainstorming with other district leaders and experts ➢ Conduct operations efficacy study for savings potential

B. Health and Wellness of El Monte children and their families:
  • First EMCSD board member to serve on Coordinated School Health Committee
  • Served on Wellness and Achievement Advisory Council
  • Wrote new Wellness policy ➢ Minimal impact to the budget in this crucial time ➢ Affecting academic scores as more and more schools become involved/focused on physical activity and wellness in connection with achievement. ➢ Promoted increase of healthy fund raisers and healthy living activities--
  • Jogathons, the Run for Heart, the community Jogathon at Durfee ➢ Fitness centers to be at 3 schools now...plans to expand ➢ Expanded participation on the Alliance for Healthy Generation program for which Columbia, Rio Hondo, and Durfee Schools have been nationally recognized

C. High Quality, Cost-Effective Professional Development to Improve Student Achievement I have been a leader in getting the district involved in and committed to improving staff development and teacher training. Only board member to attend Douglas Reeves, Center for Performance Assessment, training that was impetus for Nan Woodson, Mike Schmoker, and Du Four follow-up trainings.
Includes Professional Learning Communities, but also includes focusing on data and assessment and using those to guide and improve instruction.
➢ Notable API growth since elected to school board ➢ Growing number (currently 3 each) of California Distinguished Schools as well as Title I Achieving Schools ➢ Just returned from Boston NSDC Conference (shared hotel cost, paid own airfare) in which I brought back materials and created CD focusing on implementing instructional coaches at the site level, which will be a cost savings in professional development (Trainer of trainer model) ➢ Implement the NSDC Staff Inventory to evaluate the professional development we are receiving (I brought the survey back from NSDC conference). ➢ Bring consultants to district or local venue to save money ➢ Employ an Instructional Coach model for implementing the P.D. ➢ Be a part of writing the Accountability Plan: the blueprint for growth and an action plan for supporting each student's access and attainment of literacy and proficiency with the entire curriculum.

D. Continue to develop and strengthen partnerships between school district and community individuals/businesses:

  • I believe that our school district must work with the city to attract families with young children, thus ending the declining enrollment pattern
  • Attend City Council meetings
  • Work with local companies to seek donations to help our students ➢ Ex.: Marino Foundation donated nearly 200 backpacks over the past two years
  • Seek out grant opportunities
  • Design innovative alternatives to alleviate budget cuts.

E. Provide Quality, Accessible Pre-School Programs
  • Head Start Program ➢ Increased articulation and interaction between the Head Start program and the kindergarten teachers---that has been the result of my involvement in expanding and improving our Head Start program. ➢ Served as Head Start Governance Team trustee for LACOE and on district's Head Start Policy Committee

F. Provide State-of-the-Art Facilities--Students Live Up to Our Expectations--If we give students a beautiful, functional place to learn, they will interpret that to mean we are proud of them. This will be an impetus for them to have heightened expectations for themselves.

Facilities Improvement--Involved Directly with Measure KC & Measure J ➢ Involved in leading the district to improve facilities so that teaching walls, Internet access, multi-purpose rooms, state-of-the-art media centers are available to EMCSD students.

➢ Facilities projects continue to provide improved classrooms and learning environments for students. We now have 3 schools with beautiful Fitness Centers and more on the way.

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