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Montgomery County, PA | May 19, 2009 Election |
Ensuring financial responsibilityBy John C. RothCandidate for School Director; Boyertown Area School District; Region 3; 2 Year Term | |
This information is provided by the candidate |
Our economic problems nationally filter down to us as individuals in many ways. Taxing entities like school boards must do their part by making adjustments.As a member of the Boyertown Area School Board, it is my responsibility, along with the other members and the administration, to formulate a yearly budget. In lieu of the current economic downturn nationally, statewide and locally, this has been a challenge. Funding from these levels all contribute to pay the educational costs of running a school district. When residents of the district are finding it more difficult to meet their own budgets at home, keep their jobs, keep their homes and meet medical needs, adjustments have to be made. All of us need to work together, as best we can, to help. I have supported a 0% budget this year so that there will be no increase in school taxes. For those in Montgomery County there will actually be a decrease in taxes. This was done without adversely affecting the education of any child. All contractural agreements are being met and no employee has lost a job. Many of our employees are also members of our community and by keeping them in their jobs it benefits everyone. Fortunately the majority of school board members agree and prevent the yearly increased spending supported by others. |
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