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Los Angeles County, CA February 24, 2009 Election
Smart Voter

National Economic Downturn

By Barbara Sharp

Candidate for Member of the City Council; City of Burbank

This information is provided by the candidate
A balanced budget is not a luxury; it is a necessity.
The economic downturn that is being experienced by people nationwide and at all levels of government affords us an opportunity to evaluate our fiscal policies in the City of Burbank. While it would be irresponsible for me to arbitrarily cite specific programs or services to target at this time, I certainly advocate taking a hard look at our expenditures. Then, under-serving and/or under-performing programs and services can be streamlined or eliminated. We need to look for ways to implement efficiencies that will save money across the board - just like all of us are doing in our own households.

Also, Burbank is unique since we generate our own power and are invested in other generating facilities, such that additional opportunity may exist to sell surplus for more revenue. In general, City government needs to shift its way of thinking -- from spending everything available to creating surplus resulting from successfully implemented efficiencies. You are entitled to fiscal responsibility and accountability at all levels of City government. A balanced budget is not a luxury; it is a necessity.

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