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Hampden County, MA November 4, 2008 Election
Smart Voter Political Philosophy for William G. Scibelli

Candidate for
State Representative; Second Hampden District

This information is provided by the candidate

The Scibelli Five Point Plan

  • No New Taxes - In these difficult financial times, what we need is more spendable cash to spur the economy and pay our bills. We are over taxed!
  • Fiscal Responsibilty - The current legislature has not passed a balanced budget. It is estimated to be hundred of millions of dollars out of balance because it is based on fictitious revenue estimates. We need less government, less "pet" projects and a more realistic approach to estimating our revenues. We can not continue to leverage our present day expenditures by issuing billions of dollars in bonds that our children and grandchildren must pay back. In addition, the State must stop issuing mandates to the local cities and towns without appropriating the necessary funds to finance them.
  • Economic Development For The 2nd Hampden District - Our State Government must stimulate this District's economy and in turn lessen the tremendous need for ever increasing property taxes by passing legislation that offers tax incentives and economic development grants to companies that are willing to expand and hire new employees. The State must also provide greater job training to our residents who have lost jobs due to plant closing and relocations.
  • Openness in Government - Our current legislature passed a 28 Billion Dollar budget that the Governor signed into law with no free and open debate of the issues. Currently, health insurance reforms are being discussed behind closed doors. This unethical policy cannot be allowed to continue. There can be no more backroom deals being made in Boston.
  • Our Fair Share - Western Massachusetts must receive its fair share of the State's tax revenues. Our school systems can not continue to be supported primarily by local property taxes. Local property tax relief for this District must start in Boston.

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Created from information supplied by the candidate: September 22, 2008 16:48
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