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LWV League of Women Voters of Massachusetts Citizen Education Fund

Smart Voter
Dukes, Barnstable, Nantucket Counties, MA November 4, 2008 Election
Candidates Answer Questions on the Issues
State Representative; Barnstable, Dukes & Nantucket District

The questions were prepared by the League of Women Voters of Massaschusetts and asked of all candidates for this office.     See below for questions on Employment, Infrastructure, Education

Click on a name for candidate information.   See also more information about this contest.

? 1. What proposals do you have to increase employment opportunities in Massachusetts?

Answer from Jacob D. Ferreira:

I believe our investment in innovation and technology must continue to expand in order to keep our jobs. We have some of the greatest universities in the world, and we have countless leaders in technology and life sciences here in the Bay State. At the state level, we should look to export our goods, not our people. We must retain talent through supporting small businesses and creativity. We must continue to emphasize our competitive advantage in technology and life sciences, but invest more time and effort in new business areas such as renewable energy.

Answer from Daniel James Larkosh:

Dan Larkosh wants to strengthen our economic base by creating incentives, even subsidies, for businesses developing green technologies such as renewable energy and ways to clean the environment. Dan Larkosh recognizes the true importance of alternative energy sources in protecting our children's future and the future of our planet. This will also stimulate our economy and provide new job opportunities in our district. He is the only candidate among the four democrats who supports Cape Wind. Dan supports local installation of wind turbines, but also feels that Cape Wind is a sound and sensible way to meet our energy needs, and to reduce our energy costs over the long term. Further, Dan feels our country is falling behind the European countries in the development of wind and solar technologies. Dan Larkosh wants to regain the lead as the innovators, inventors and pioneers in this area. He believes that Cape Wind will make our district national leaders in offshore wind power generation and technology.

? 2. How will you rectify problems with aging Massachusetts infrastructure, especially bridges and tunnels?

Answer from Daniel James Larkosh:

The answer to this problem is simple -- money is required to rebuild our infrastructure. The complicated problem is how to raise money for public projects which will create new jobs and stimulte the economy. Dan Larkosh opposes casinos as they are not in keeping with the Massachusetts tradition as a more family-oriented state. Mr. Larkosh is for closing corporate tax loopholes. Dan is against tollbooths on route 93 as this would strain both traffic and the finances of commuters. He would add a 10 to 25 cent tax on each alcoholic drink served in restaurants and bars in addition to the 5% sales tax.

Answer from Jacob D. Ferreira:

Municipal Bonds can be used to fix many of our state's aging infrastructure. If designed properly, these debt instruments will hold the state more accountable for their projects.

? 3. Governor Patrick has proposed a wide-ranging plan to transform education in the Commonwealth. What do you see as the top priorities in his plan and what funding mechanism do you feel will enable their successful implementation?

Answer from Daniel James Larkosh:

Readiness schools. Dan Larkosh opposes longer school days. Longer days mean more work for teachers who are already overworked relative to their compensation. Dan says we should focus instead on continuing to improve on our already excellent but underfunded educational system. Readiness schools need to focus on individual students and provide more options for teachers. Dan Larkosh believes that through smaller class sizes which focus on the individual needs of each student we can improve the education experience for students and teachers. Larkosh would provide voluntary academic after-school programs such as study groups to be made available to all students.

Answer from Jacob D. Ferreira:

The need for continual improvement in our public education system exists from the early childhood education experience through adult education opportunities. There is significant work to be done to close achievement gaps that still exist for our K-12 students. We must ensure all students receive the tools to succeed at every level of public education. Governor Patrick's Readiness Project will continue to face criticism due to its estimated cost, but the statistics prove that early childhood education can make a significant difference. All children need a strong knowledge base and the skills necessary to succeed in today's society, and I will work to ensure those needs are met at the state level.

I am also dedicated to providing affordable higher-education programs to all citizens in Massachusetts. In every community, our law enforcement officers, educators, and health science personnel need higher education in order to advance in their careers. Greater access to affordable higher education programs will improve our communities' ability to provide quality services to all Massachusetts citizens.

Responses to questions asked of each candidate are reproduced as submitted to the League.  Candidates' responses are not edited or corrected by the League.

The order of the candidates is random and changes daily. Candidates who did not respond are not listed on this page.

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