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Tom Harman
221,829 votes
- Party: Republican
- Occupation: State Senator
Ginny Mayer
156,945 votes
- Party: Democratic
- Occupation: Educator
- Harvard Ph.D. and MA, UC Berkeley BA
- College-level instructor for 20+ years
- Aerospace management experience
- Applying critical thinking to problem solving in line with Democratic values
- Universal healthcare coverage
- Simulatenously fighting global warming and achieving energy independence
Basic candidate data supplied by the Secretary of State.
Order of candidates is random and changes daily.
Official Information
State Senate
Calif. State Legislative Counsel (Leginfo)
- Bills Introduced
- Check "Author(s)" and then type in the name of your current representative to see the bills introduced in the current Senate session. Enter a Bill Number to see the history of a bill including voting records.
Campaign Finance Data
Secretary of State
Around the Capitol
Nonpartisan Information
Project Vote Smart
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