The current 4th place employee salary formula may have worked 24 years ago but today it forces the district to spend more taxpayer money each year than the district takes in (deficit spend).
Budget and Fiscal Health
For the 1st time in 24 years, the San Marcos Unified District employee groups are working without a contract. This gives the district an opportunity to work with both bargaining units (union leaders) to develop a new formula which "honors" the work that the district's employees do each day and also allows the district to put much needed dollars back into the classroom and maintain a fiscally sound budget. The current 4th place employee salary formula may have worked 24 years ago but today it forces the district to spend more taxpayer money each year than the district takes in (deficit spend). In order to make up for the shortfall, the district is now exhausting its reserves, which prohibits the district from allocating new dollars directly to the classrooms.