The established methodology for developing a CFA presents a very conservative estimate of the City of Rossmoor's future which requires the imposing of a 7-9% UUT.
The User Utility Tax (UUT) for the proposed city of Rossmoor, depending on how the vote turns out, will be either 7% or 9%. In my current job, I do long range forecasting, thus am familiar with the process which involves developing "worst case scenarios." This process was used during the development of the Comprehensive Financial Analysis (CFA) and involved over estimating the cost of running the City of Rossmoor and under estimating the potential income to the City of Rossmoor. With this as the background for the city, I believe that the UUT can be reduced or eliminated through prudent financial practices. Recognizing that there is "no free lunch" the citizens of Rossmoor will need to continue their community involvement through volunteer services. If we adopt an attitude of letting City Hall take care of things for us, we will pay the cost for these services in our tax bill, or in the case of the UUT, it will be part of our utility bills each month. As a resident of the City, I will be paying these same taxes, thus will be just as concerned as the other citizens of our City about finding ways to reduce or eliminate this tax.