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Ventura County, CA November 6, 2007 Election
Smart Voter

Right of Honest Public Services

By Carroll Dean Williams

Candidate for Member of the City Council; City of San Buenaventura

This information is provided by the candidate
Fraud Depriving the Public of the Right of Honest Services
Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2007 10:33:31 -0700 (PDT) From: c will Subject: Fraud Depriving the Public of the Right of Honest Services To: City Manager, Rick Cole:

I am asking you to respond to the following:

Your words are in quotations because they are your exact words.

Do you admit or deny that these words are your exact words?

Please respond in any way you see fit, but respond you must.


Carroll Dean Williams


Ventura City Manager Rick Cole's addressed Carroll Dean Williams as follows: Rick Cole said:

"Well, I don't think we have sat down face to face like this before, Carroll Dean."

"And, Carroll Dean, I inherited your reputation."

"And, I tried to come in Carroll Dean with an open mind."

"Carroll Dean, I inherited your reputation that you are never happy." "And, I guess I bought into that."

"I want to start fresh with you Carroll Dean."

"I don't like writing you off Carroll Dean."

"I don't like overlooking your genuine concerns Carroll Dean."

"Carroll Dean, I don't want to show any personal discourtesy or disrepect to you." "So that is where I'm at Carroll Dean."

"I would like to start fresh with you Carroll Dean."

"Carroll Dean you've shown some courtesy...some of your concerns are somewhat valid concerns."

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