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Ventura County, CA November 6, 2007 Election
Smart Voter

Public Service

By Lou Cunningham

Candidate for Member of the City Council; City of San Buenaventura

This information is provided by the candidate
City of Ventura Mobile Home Rent Review Board since 1995. Chairman since 1999.

LAFCO Public Commissioner, 2001-2005, Chairman 2003.

LAFCO Alternate Commissioner, 2005 to present.

Member of the City of Ventura Committee on Water Conservation, 1990.

Member of the City of Ventura Water Advisory Committee, 1991-1992.

President, V.U.S.D. Classified Management Association, 1990/1991.

Professional association of Pesticide Applicators, 1991-present, Board President 1998/1999.

Author of successful energy, water conservation and recycling programs for large facilities and school districts.

Proficient in bargaining unit contracts and negotiations.

Member of the Ventura Chamber of Commerce.

Board of Directors Ventura City Corps

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