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San Francisco County, CA November 6, 2007 Election
Smart Voter Full Biography for David Wong

Candidate for
Sheriff; City of San Francisco

This information is provided by the candidate

Born in Hong Kong in1963, David Wong has dedicated the better part of his life to his family and his community. Wong and his family immigrated to San Francisco in 1976. Although his 2 siblings and parents lived in the Richmond District, David had to live with his aunt in Daly City since the landlord only allowed two children to live in the apartment. While David attended grade school, his parents struggled to make ends meet. His father worked as a pastry baker in a Chinese bakery store and his mother worked as a kitchen worker in a Chinese restaurant, laboring 13-16 hours a day, six days a week with below then minimum wage. As a young student and a loving son, Wong began working three jobs as a newspaper delivery boy, restaurant bus boy, and theatre attendant. But with the added pressures of attending school and working, Wong fell into the wrong group of friends for a time and ended up transferring to several schools before stabilizing his situation, finding employment as a full time warehouse and driver. With enough savings, he contributed to the down payment for his family's first home.

In 1983, Wong decided to join the U.S. Army as a telecommunications operator. After two years of active duty, Wong was awarded the Inspirational Soldier Award in Fort Jackson, South Carolina. Wong later was stationed in Fort Gordon, Georgia for the remainder of his service to his country.

Wong returned to San Francisco in 1984 and started working once again as a warehouse worker while making deliveries for UPS. Wong became inspired to join the San Francisco Sheriff's Department when he drove by City Hall one day and took out an application to join the police academy. He became a deputy in 1990 and started his watch. Wong began to get involve in late December 1992 with the union, Deputy Sheriffs' Association / Operating Engineers Local Union #3 as the Board of Directors / Shop Steward for swing watch. He began volunteering once a month for Self-Help for Elderly, a prominent non-profit, organization in 1995. Elected as the Treasurer in 1997,Wong began to re-organize the Deputy Sheriff Association's book and started to report the financial status of the Association to the board of directors. He began to get involved with his Sunset District community, voluntarily working with several youth programs helping the at-risk youth in 1998. Wong brought the Long Term Disability (California Law Enforcement Association) coverage for the members in 1999. Being popular with his peers, many deputies asked if he would accept the president's position if he was elected by write-in. He agreed. Wong was elected as the president of the Association by 333 write-in votes in January 2001.

Wong was appointed to the California Child Abuse and Neglect Task Force by then Attorney General Bill Lockyer in October 2002. The Task Force assisted in writing legislation to protect abused children throughout California. He was appointed the California Voters' Rights Task Force by then Secretary of State, Kevin Shelley, in November 2002. The Task Force assisted with writing legislation protecting voters' rights.

Wong was appointed to the California Citizen Compensation Commission by then Governor Gray Davis in April 2003. The Commission evaluates the salary for the state constitution officers in the Assembly and Senate.

David Wong was appointed to the American Legion Cathy Post #384 Board of Directors in May 2006.

Wong ran and was elected to the Democrat Central County Committee, District 12 in July 2006.

Wong was appointed to the Community Youth Center Board of Directors in September 2006.

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Created from information supplied by the candidate: October 2, 2007 09:39
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